We celebrate an event every day. It can either be a discovery or an invention. Today, on February 26 we are celebrating some special moments as a part of our daily life. We celebrate ‘Carpe Diem day’ and ‘National Skip a Straw Day. So if you are excited to know more about this day, we got you covered. Furthermore, we also enlighten you about the history and the ways to celebrate these days. So read on.
Carpe diem day

Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay
Today, we celebrate Carpe Diem Day. Often, we make plans for the future, and it fails. Not all times does our future vision come through. And, we are bound to be sad, for our happiness is confiscated to the next coming day! But, ironically, we do not consider the present moment to be significant. We are sad for an indefinite future but do not celebrate the guaranteed present. The irony, right?
Carpe Diem day is a reminder to our otherwise occupied schedules. It asks you to seize your today, for that is all that you have. While there is complacency, it is part of our lives, and it is not in our power to control it. But, what we can actually do is just be there at the moment, to which we would never come back.
The phrase ‘Carpe Diem’ was first used in the 19th century. But this idea became more popular in the first half of the 20th century when Robert Frost came up with a poem of the same name. In his poem, he declared his desire for children to stay happy and seize the day for pleasure. The day was established by the friends and family of Yvette Francino. When she journeyed with her dearest friend, Craig. Craig pushed herself to live each day to its fullest. Yuvette saw this as an inspiration. She wanted to live life each day and spread the word around.
Celebrate Carpe Diem Day
Today is your day to stop. It is your day to have a moment for yourself and spend time in introspection. Give yourself the much-needed rest you have always pushed for tomorrow. You will never know what that tomorrow holds for you, so pledge to take yourself little time each day. Let there be pauses and holds. Let there be moments of silence and mess. Let there be breaks, long and short. Live for today, and tomorrow will get better!
National Skip The Straw Day
Climate change is one of the biggest dangers we are moving towards, but we often dismiss the issue as what can I do? But, not-so-surprisingly, the solution lies in each of us, and what each one of us can choose to do. While we go to a cafe, along with the beverage, a straw is complimentary. Do you know how many straws are used and discarded each day? Each day, the US alone uses 500 million straws. Do you realize the amount of plastic we are nonchalantly using? Today, February 26, marks the necessity of us, as global citizens to think before going for a plastic straw.
The day was launched by a group of activists, known as the Coral Keepers. These young people have pledged to create awareness of the harm of these seemingly small straws and replace them with better biodegradable alternatives. Plastic straws affect the planet in more ways than one with marine life affected the most.
Celebrate Skip A Straw Day
While you step out for a cup of coffee, make sure you do not use a straw. Make a small change in your lifestyle, and we might contribute to a larger change we need to safeguard our planet, and subsequently, our lives. Observe today by:
- Skip the straw and tip the glass
- Perform a plastic ban in your city or place where you reside.
- Try to schedule a trash pickup event with all your team members and people interested in it.
To know what to celebrate each day, visit our today page!