The clock never stops, the hands keep rushing at their pace, and we need to keep up with them. Not every day brings in excitement and showers of joy,
The clock never stops, the hands keep rushing at their pace, and we need to keep up with them. Not every day brings in excitement and showers of joy, some days we stumble upon disappointments. But, to stay gloomy and embrace melancholy, or just shatter them with our smile, is all that comes from within. In simple words, we are sad when we choose to be.
So, here we bring to you several reasons to make today count and celebrate each day. The Today column brings to you the reasons to celebrate each day!
Equal Pay Day
The discriminations on the grounds of race, caste, gender, ethnicity, and so on, have been prevalent since ages and we are effectively moving towards a world where there is no such bias on any grounds. The stereotypes are so deep-rooted that they often creep into our lives unknowingly. This has entered the corporate culture, and they are not on the face directly, but on subtle grounds. To ensure that we move towards a better inclusive world, the United Nations has created new days that we celebrate and create awareness in our own society and the people known to us.
Women and young girls have been subjected to huge amounts of discrimination on the grounds of belonging to a particular gender, and often in the same workplace women are paid less than their male counterparts for the same work in terms of quantity and quality. To throw light upon this and to ensure that the existing laws on equal pay are executed effectively, we celebrate Equal Pay Day today. Today the UN is organizing a virtual call of action for the same due to the COVID 19 situation across the world.
We as active citizens can contribute to the cause in the ways we can. Look for organizations that actively support equal pay and help them the way you can. Make sure that there is a strict policy of equal pay in your organizations, and you oblige by the rules. Today is an opportunity for all of us to work towards a fairground.
There is so much around, and so many things available externally that, we often depend on the things outside and cripple ourselves of the things we should work internally. Let us work to have our inner fire ignited everyday, and spread light across the world.
“Never give up on what you really want to do. The person with big dreams is more powerful than one with all the facts.” – Albert Einstein.
Read on Equal Pay.