We prepare ourselves every day for the preparation of tomorrow. One works hard to make his life better. Whereas the other enjoy the fruition of his hard work in the past. As they say, every day is a new beginning. Celebrate your victories. Let go of your vices. Also, celebrate the day for what it is known for. On January 14, we celebrate International Kite Day across the world. Furthermore, we also tip off our organization skills. Celebrate Organize Your House Day. Both these days are commemorated for a specific reason. In today’s Brag Social article, let us understand the importance of these two exciting days.
International Kite Day:
Everyone’s childhood is filled with colorful kites. They fly high and only raise our hope for a better tomorrow. They teach us to keep flying high without looking back. On January 14, we celebrate International Kite Day. People across countries climb to their terraces to fly kites and celebrate this beautiful day. Read on to know its history and how you can celebrate it.
International Kite Day began in the beautiful state of Gujrat, India. From the start, for months together people start building kites for the millions of people across the country. This festival also celebrates the end of the Winter season and the beginning of the warm summers. In different states of the country, people celebrate this day in different ways. The most common is the International Kite Day. Furthermore, one also notices how this initiates the harvest season. Even though people from all cultures and backgrounds celebrate this day, but in the past, this was the sport of royalty. Today, people from Japan, Indonesia, the UK, and Canada participate in kite flying contests.
How to Celebrate:
There are multiple ways you can celebrate this day to its fullest. If you love to travel, visit Gujrat. It is an opportunity of a lifetime. Additionally, you could participate in all the day to day activities. Moreover, you could build kites at home. Just bring home some craft paper, some strong sticks, and thread. This could be a great way to awaken your artist. You could even prepare some Indian dishes to celebrate the day in its true sense. Also, you could have a kite flying competition with your friends and family members.
Organize your Home Day:
Well, everyone loves a neat and tidy home. Moreover, our home is a safe haven. You should take a pledge to always keep it lively and clean. On January 14, we celebrate Organize your Home Day. This is your day to finish all the house tasks that you have been putting off. We tend to procrastinate. Although today, you should make this day as productive as possible. Make sure you put your entire house in order and keep it spick and span.
The history of this day narrates how today is for homeowners. We stuff clothes in the cupboard. In addition to that, forget to clean our kitchens due to our hectic lives. Well, this day is for you. The history of this day is very recent. This day is celebrated for cleaner homes and happier households. Decluttering helps us think straight and make way for newer beginnings. Lastly, celebrating this day for what it is known, you can gather the utmost calm for the many upcoming months and years.
How to Celebrate:
You can celebrate this day in its real sense by taking a pledge. Pledge to take care of your home for years to come. Even though cleaning up is not the most thrilling job, you can make it exciting. Also, make a plan of how you wish to spend the day. Maybe fold your clothes and tidy your cupboard. Or, just clean your kitchen. You could involve all your family members. Play music in the background so you do not feel bored. But, enjoy this day to the fullest.
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