History of 31 August
Everyday creates history. We at BragSocial come forward to provide you with the information fo what each day is marked for. Let us have a look at the
Everyday creates history. We at BragSocial come forward to provide you with the information fo what each day is marked for. Let us have a look at the milestones of August 31.
1314- Norway’s capital shifted from Bergen to Oslo
Bergen gradually took over the role of capital throughout the early years of the 13th-century. Bergenhus fortress was built at the entrance to the harbor and still stands today primarily as a tourist attraction. When King Haakon V (1299-1319) came to power, he began to move the functions of the capital city to Oslo.
1795- War of the First Coalition
The Coalition Wars (French: Guerres de Coalitions, German: Koalitionskriege, Dutch: Coalitieoorlogen, etc.) were a series of seven wars waged by various military alliances, known as the Coalitions, between great European powers against Revolutionary France, and from 1799 onwards First Consul and later Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte, between 1792 and 1815
1842- Congress act authorized US Naval observatory
On this day in 1844, Congress authorized the establishment of the U.S. Naval Observatory. Then located on a hill north of where the Lincoln Memorial now stands, the observatory, one of the oldest scientific agencies in the United States, expanded the mission assigned to the Navy’s depot of charts and instruments, formed in 1830 to care for its chronometers, charts and other navigational equipment
1907 – Anglo-Russian Convention treaty signed between the UK and Russia
Anglo-Russian Entente, (1907) pact in which Britain and Russia settled their colonial disputes in Persia, Afghanistan, and Tibet. It delineated spheres of influence in Persia, stipulated that neither country would interfere in Tibet’s internal affairs, and recognized Britain’s influence over Afghanistan
1957- Malaya Independence
The independent Federation of Malaya came into being on August 31st, 1957. After the war, in 1948, a Federation of Malaya was created under British protection, but British and Commonwealth troops had to put down a Communist insurrection, which lasted into the early 1950s.