Staring off into space is what people do when they get bored. Or do that just for the sake of doing that. What we do not realize is that by doing so we waste a huge amount of time. So much that you would question yourself how much you have actually been productive for the day. Therefore here are 2 amusing days and events to get you into productive mode. Today, December 4, we have the International Day of Banks and International Cheetah Day. Read up and get going.
International Day of Banks
It is during 2000BC that banks came first into existence. In recent times, the banking system has become an essential part of our lives. Just like any government. People deposit money, take loans, increase their wealth by some percentage. Even business women and men use the bank to help expand their business.
The UN General Assembly designated December 4 to be the International Day of Banks. This is done to recognize the financial sustainable development that banking helps with. Sustainable development goals have one goal of poverty eradication. This goal of eradicating poverty is the reason for the existence of International Banks day. To help the poor have financial stability. Additionally, it is done to also allow them to have businesses of their own.
How to Celebrate
We can celebrate today by engaging ourselves in the awareness of today. Spread awareness about the importance of banks and how they can help us financially. If you know any organization that works for the betterment of the poor, reach out to them. Help the poor set up financial strategies and help them live better lives.
International Cheetah Day
We all know that Cheetahs are the fastest land animals. This species is one of the fiercest, fastest, and strongest carnivore there is. If you ever saw the animal planet show, you would see the cheetah never loses its prey. Sure, all other animals can run fast or leap a long distance. But it is the Cheetahs that can reach a speed of 70mph in 3 seconds! In fact, they are also the only known big cats who can spin mid-air. Such a glorious species are now facing the problem of extinction.
Today there are only 8000 cheetahs alive. Most of them are kept in captivity to help increase the population. This is because when the cheetahs will be released back into the wild, it will restore the forest balance. Dr. Laurie Marker, founder of the cheetah conservation fund coined International Cheetah day as December 4. She did this to bring up awareness about cheetah extinction and how to conserve them. She raised a Khayam, a cheetah. To clarify, she conducted this experiment to see if cheetahs can be taught to hunt and live out in the wild while being kept captive. So that if any fundamental changes were seen in the inbred cheetah, they could be corrected to maintain the optimal balance.
How to Celebrate
Spread awareness about the severe extinction problem of the cheetahs. Visit any wildlife sanctuary or any place and spend some time with the cheetah. Watch some animal documentaries. Even make a documentary of your own about cheetahs if you like. Or write up about them. Today, December 4, celebrate today by getting yourself involved with your local zoo too!
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