Egypt is the land of unresolved mysteries. The ancient land of Egyptian mythologies witnessed the tales of several gods and goddesses. There was Osiris, God of the underworld. Horus, the sky god. Anubis, the God responsible for the dead and funerary practices. Among several others, there was the legendary Amun-Ra i.e. the chief of the Gods in Egypt. History has it that Amun was the creator of the Universe. While Ra was the God of sun and light. Consequently, Ra traveled across the sky each day in a burning boat. Individuals often regard Egyptian mythology to be interesting. Thus, here are a few of the interesting Egyptian mythological stories and beliefs:

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It is believed that Seth, the God of chaos and storm murdered his brother Osiris. One day, he threw a feast where all the Gods of Egypt received the invitation. The centerpiece of this feast was a wooden chest. Once Osiris arrived, Seth claimed that whoever could fit in this chest would have it. Although, everyone tried no one could succeed. Finally, it was Osiris’s turn to try. However, unlike everyone else, he fit in perfectly. After that, Seth closed the chest and threw it in the River Nile. This chest was a coffin.
His distressed wife began to look around for him. Hence, the coffin floated on the Nile before arriving at the shore near Biblos. A great cedar tree grew over it. In search of her husband, she reached the palace where another king had taken the tree and stored it. Soon after, his wife managed to get hold of that branch containing the coffin. She manages to retrieve it but found that Osiris was dead. So she carried the body back and began looking for ways to resurrect him.

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Yet, his brother Seth found the body and chopped it into various pieces. He threw all the parts of his body. Even then, the wife did not give up. Subsequently, she managed to find all the parts except the phallus. With everything she had, she restored Osiris to life. This time it was eternal life. Though, without the phallus, Osiris could not restore his position as the king. So he went on to rule over the dead but before he left, his wife had conceived a child. Thus, his son Horus was born to carry on with his legacy.

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Egyptian mythology states the tale of several gods and goddesses. One of them is the story of Hathor. According to the beliefs, she was the daughter of Ra (God of Sun). On the other hand, she was the Goddess of love, beauty, fertility, music, and dance. Mythology has it that Ra had sent his daughter to punish the human race for all the wickedness. However, before leaving she takes the form of Sekhmet. Subsequently, she destroys almost all of the human race.
It is then, that Ra decides to prevent her from massacring the entire human race. He orders beer brewed in red color and offers it to her. She drinks it thinking that it is human blood. As soon as she does, she takes the form of her previous self Hathor. Thus, she is unable to carry on with the killing. Hathor has several depictions. One of them is the representation of a woman with a headdress of a cow’s horn. Others include the depiction of a woman with the ears of a cow. Mythology also states that the name means “House of Horus”. Besides, each year she visited her husband Horus at the Edfu temple to celebrate the Feast of Divine Union.

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According to Egyptian mythology, Ma’at is defined as the goddess of truth, justice, and balance. The creation of Ma’at took place when Ra (God of Sun) arose from the waters of Nun (He represented the water of chaos). Thoth, the God of wisdom was the husband of Ma’at. Nevertheless, people regarded Ma’at to be much more than just an Egyptian Goddess. Ancient Egyptians believed that Ma’at maintained the balance of the entire Universe. Thus, they maintained a very strong sense of morality and justice. They did not wish to provoke Ma’at by disrupting the order of it through any form of mischief.
Egyptian mythology states that after a person died (s)he had to go through the Hall of Judgment. Consequently, this was the place where the individual’s heart was weighed on a scale against Ma’at’s feather of truth. If the heart weighed at an equal level with the feather then they were permitted for their journey. This was the journey to Afterlife. However, if that did not happen, their journey would come to an end. This is exactly the reason why the Egyptians would monitor and have control over their morality. This belief had a great influence on their actions in everyday life.

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These myths are said to have taken place centuries ago, yet they continue to be important in the present society. Primarily because they help the historians to unravel the history of Egypt. Ancient Egyptians had a strong belief in these mythologies. This governed their actions. On the other hand, most Egyptian mythologies also explain the origin of mankind’s institutions and natural phenomena. Kingship was something that passed on from the Gods to the Pharaohs later on. These mythologies explain the origin of several Egyptian traditions that might be still prevalent in society. Like drinking beer or wine. The wine was for the Royalties while beer was the official drink of the common people. These traditions are prevalent even now. Also, this helps scholars to understand the history and look at it from a different perspective. However, this is not it.
Egyptian civilizations have influenced other cultures too. They profoundly influenced art and architecture. For example– the Karnak temple of Amun-Ra. Even though it was built over 2000 years ago, it continues to be one of the major temple complexes all over the world. It has some of the finest works of Egyptian art and is regarded as a great monument.
Egyptian mythology has few of the greatest tales in the world. It speaks of morality, pleasure, vitality, deceit, envy, and justice. The stories of gods and goddesses encouraged ancient Egyptians to monitor their behavior and actions. Even centuries after the civilization of mankind and urban settlements, the legend continues to dominate society. Egypt is the land of history. Indeed, it is the perfect place to discover the mythological tales for a storyteller willing to seek an adventure.

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