History is a race between education and catastrophe. So, all you need to do is work on your today. Getting in the habit of learning and applying knowledge today would surely serve you a better future. Now let us read more about the historical events that happened on December 10:

1684 – Isaac Newton’s “De motu corporum in gyrum,” read to the Royal Society
De motu corporum in gyrum is the presumed title of a manuscript written by Isaac Newton, sent to Edmond Halley in 1684. However, Halley prompted the manuscript in his visit earlier. He had questioned Newton about problems then occupying Halley’s minds and his scientific circle in London.
This manuscript (De Motu ) gave important mathematical derivations relating to the three relations now known as “Kepler’s laws.” However, Halley reported Newton’s communication to the Royal Society on December 10, 1684. After the Halley appraisal, Newton wrote the famous book Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica (also known as the Principia) from a nucleus seen in De Motu.
1799 – Metric system first adopted in France
The metric units were defined elegantly, unlike any traditional measure units. However, the metric units combined to form a metric system. Although Gabriel Mouton first proposed the metric system in 1791. The French revolutionary assembly adopted it in 1795. The first metric standards (a standard meter bar and kilogram bar) were adopted in France on December 10, 1799. There was considerable resistance to the system initially. However, its use was not compulsory in France until 1837.

1936 – Edward VIII signs Instrument of Abdication to marry Wallis Simpson
In 1936, a constitutional crisis arose in the British Empire when King-Emperor Edward VIII proposed to marry an American socialite, Wallis Simpson.
However, the governments of the United Kingdom and the British commonwealth were against the marriage. Religious, legal, political, and moral objections were also a major factor. In the British monarch, Edward was the head of the Church of England, which did not allow anyone to remarry in the church if their ex-spouses were still alive. For this reason, many people believe that Edward could not marry Simpson and remain on the throne. Despite the opposition, Edward declared that he loved Simpson and intended to marry her as soon as she officially divorced.
However, the government was unwilling to accept Simpson as the King’s consort, yet Edward’s refused to give her up. This led to him signing the Instrument of abdication on December 10, 1936.

1964 – Nobel Peace Prize presented to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. in Oslo
Martin Luther King, Jr. was a Baptist minister and a social rights activist in the United States. He was also a leader of the American civil rights movement.
On December 10, 1964, Martin Luther King was honored with the Nobel Peace Prize award in Oslo (Norway). In the speech, King spoke about the urgent need for support and the long road ahead to end racial injustice in the United States.
He portrayed the award as a profound recognition of nonviolence. He discussed ways to overcome the evils of racial injustice, poverty, and war.
2016 – Bob Dylan honored the Nobel Prize for Literature
Bob Dylan was a popular American folksinger who wrote folk and rock music in the 1960s, infusing rock and roll lyrics. However, his songs concerned mostly with couple’s romantic innuendo, with the intellectualism of classic literature and poetry. People called him the Shakespeare of his generation and he also set the standard for lyric writing.
After months of uncertainty and controversy, Bob Dylan accepted the Nobel Prize for Literature at a jovial, champagne-laced ceremony on December 10, 2016. However, he did not attend that ceremony in Stockholm.
Reference Source: onthisday.com