Enlighten yourselves by reading the historical milestones of September 2.
History is something that illuminates the culture and its origin. It also forecasts the awareness and how and when everything evolved and fell into pl
History is something that illuminates the culture and its origin. It also forecasts the awareness and how and when everything evolved and fell into place. It not only helps us trace the origins of the past but also helps us understand it better which leads to an understanding of the present more desirably. We, at Brag Social, try to keep you updated with the happening of past and present through our today column. Let us now read the historical milestones of September 2
1789 – The Treasury Department is formed.
The United States Treasury Department was established by an act in 1789, September 2 with the headquarters in New York. The department was headed by Alexander Hamilton, appointed by President George Washington on the recommendation of Robert Morris. The Treasury Department was created to manage the finances of the United States government under the constitution. The new nation’s government was in heavy war debt and Hamilton was a logical choice for the position of the secretary because of his financial and managerial acuity.
1897 – “McCall” magazine first published
McCall’s magazine – The Queen of fashion was formerly known as The Queen and its first issue was published on September 2, 1897. The magazine was created by Scottish immigrant James McCall in 1870 in order to sell his own line of sewing pattern prints. The magazine became one of the most popular wide-reaching ritzy magazines for women. McCall died in the year 1870 and his widowed wife became the president of the McCall company, expanding its content to articles on children’s issues, health, beauty, and foreign travel besides publishing only about patterns.
1945 – Vietnam declares its independence
During World War II, the Japanese had occupied Vietnam. A power vacuum was created in Vietnam when the war ended in August 1945. Following this, the “August Revolution” was launched all across the country to seize government offices, by the Việt Minh. On September 2, 1945, Nationalist leader Ho Chi Minh proclaimed Vietnam’s independence and declared himself as to its first president at Duc Anh Ba Đình Square. Vietnam’s independence was under the name of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam (DRVN) in a speech by Ho Chi Minh that invoked the Declaration of Independence by the United States and the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen by the French Revolution
1945 – The document of surrender is signed
To effectively end World War II, representatives from the Japanese government and Allied forces gathered aboard the USS Missouri in Tokyo Bay to sign the Japanese Instrument of Surrender on September 2, 1945. The Japanese Instrument of Surrender stated the surrender of the Empire of Japan, marking the end of hostilities in World War II and was a written agreement. U.S. War Department prepared the document which was later approved by President Harry S. Truman
1963 – The US gets its first half-hour TV weeknight News
The TV program retitled as CBS Evening News was broadcasted for an expanded time of 30 minutes which initially lasted for 15 minutes. The program was anchored by Walter Cronkite and became the first half-hour weeknight news broadcast of the network television. It was later moved to 6:30 p.m. Eastern time and exactly one week later on September 9, 1963, the Huntley-Brinkley Report on NBC expanded to 30 minutes as well.
1996 – The Philippine government and Muslim rebels sign a pact
A peace agreement was signed between the Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF) and the Philippine government formally ending a 26-year long insurgency. The landmark peace agreement saw that the creation of an Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao is ensured. The Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (ARMM) is an area that comprises two mainland provinces and three island provinces where the Muslim population is predominant and enjoys a degree of self-rule.