With times getting worse, the country is walking towards lockdown 2.0 and quarantine. The primary concern that surrounds people right now is two questions. When will this dark phase end? How long will we be stuck at home?
However, is being stuck at home a real big problem? With the quarantine transition from 2020 to 2021, people have somewhere or the other made peace with staying at home. Home is no more just a place, it has turned into an entirely different familial entity. If we see from an optimistic point of view, it has been a boon rather than a bane.
Closer to your Loved Ones
Before the outbreak of the Covid19 pandemic, people were living. Living and engrossed in their own worlds, busy with only themselves. This quarantine time has allowed people to stay with their families and perpetually brought them closer to one another.
Additionally, spending time with one’s close pals has allowed people to improve their interpersonal relationships. Cooking together, fighting the dreadful disease together and, getting happy together in these tough times has turned out to be a blessing in disguise.
Exploring New Things
While people complain about life turning into nothing but a monotonous routine, there are also some positive aspects. This quarantine quality time has let people try out different things that they never thought of doing. Starting from baking diverse dishes and desserts to people video calling each other for their first dates, this lockdown has made people experience it all.
People have opted for yoga therapies, dance classes, spiritual discourses and, many more on the list to find their inner peace. Though all of it has turned into works of art on screen, and people cannot avail themselves physically, they have still learned to accept the existential reality of the pandemic.
There is nothing known as offline present anymore. Everything is online now. Be it, classes, be it tuitions, or be it therapy sessions, all of it is on-screen. Although before the country was caged into the staying-at-home scenario, people thought not everything is possible online. But, the pandemic made it possible.
With things being reduced to the four walls of a computer screen, the same people who used to moan about it before have come to accept that this is the new normal. And, things online are practicable only if you wish to make it.
Acceptance is Reality
Even though it is extremely difficult to come to terms with the happenings around us, some people have already decided to accept it. Currently, there is no other option other than acceptance. Accepting that life has become still but it will get better. Counting on your good affairs and not taking the bad ones to your heart. Believing in yourself and not letting negativity and hopelessness take over you.
Acceptance is turning out to be bliss in these rugged phases and times.
Positive Assertions
The only way to stay happy and healthy at this point of time in life is by staying positive. Although, it is inevitable for people to feel that things are ending and there is no way that things can get better. But, things will get better. They have to get better.
Here are some positive assertions to chant daily that can make one feel better: This will get better. The good is yet to come. One will return to their previous normal lives. Things have to get better. People will not die like this, caged.
These statements can light up your current mood in minutes.
The wave of time is passing by, and things are not getting back to what they were. Every single thing getting to touch the screens, locking everyone inside their homes. But, instead of looking at the negative connotations of the pandemic, one can view the little positive side that it has provided.
Quality time with family, introspecting time with oneself, exploring disparate activities, and doing things that one could never think of doing. One’s happiness is in one’s own hands. It is true, that with people dying all over and a desperate situation that the country is put in, one cannot be completely happy. But at least they can try, as trying never fades. It will always keep you moving.
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