Cancer affects women less frequently than men. But some cancers only affect women’s bodies due to hormonal imbalances and genital problems. These cancers develop in women’s reproductive system that consists of the uterus, fallopian tubes, ovaries, cervix, vagina, and vulva.
Cancers are non-communicable diseases that exist in any part of the world but have one of the highest numbers of cases. According to data, women are most affected by breast, ovary, uterus, and cervix cancer. Around, the world cancer affects men more than women, as women are better equipped to fight the disease. The study says that the main difference in the way of affecting cancers more in men than women is due to lifestyle factors. Men tend to consume smoking, drinking a lot of alcohol, and eating fattier unhealthy food more than women.
Here’s a list of women-centric cancers
Breast cancer
Breast cancer is the most common cancer affecting ton women all around the world. According to a study, repeatedly, 1 in 28 women could develop breast cancer. Females of any age can develop breast cancer and with increased age, the risk of developing the cancerous cells increases.
Symptoms of breast cancer:
- Inward turned nipples
- Continuous discharge from nipples
- Sudden change in size and shape of the nipples or the breasts
- Soreness in the nipples or breasts
- Continous pain in nipples
Preventions from breast cancer:
It affects that women most who is having any past family medical history of breast cancer. It is easier to treat breast cancer if it gets diagnosed at an early stage. To prevent breast cancer, try to go for an annual screening. You can also do a self-examination of your breast by feeling the lumps or any other abnormalities on the breasts. Try to check variation in your shape and size, any discharge from your nipples. Do a self-examination of yourself once every month.
Cervical cancer
It is the second most common cancer found in women all around the world. The data shows that cervical cancer accounts for about 22.86% of all cancer cases in women. Cervical cancer affects rural women more than urban women. The condition is most common in that women who are sexually active. It is caused due to the presence of HPV (Human papillomavirus), which is a sexually transmitted infection. Cervical cancer can also be caused by smoking, AIDS, or HIV, poor nutrition and hygiene, giving birth to multiple children, a weak immune system, and long-term use of contraceptive pills.
Symptoms of cervical cancer:
- Continuous vaginal discharge
- Pain during sex
- Abnormal vaginal bleeding during sex, between the periods, or after the menopause
Prevention from cervical cancer:
Try to practice safe sex by using condoms. Condoms help in avoiding the risk of developing the infection and getting this cancer. Avoid smoking, drinking large volumes of alcohol as it will also help you to prevent cervical cancer. It is also advisable not to use too many contraceptive pills or birth pills. Eat a healthy diet and maintain proper hygiene.
Ovarian cancer
Ovarian cancer primarily affects women age between 55 and 64 years. It affects those women who never have any children or who had children after 30 years of age. Furthermore, this cancer is hereditary.
Symptoms of ovarian cancer
- Digestive pain
- Pelvic pain
- Abdominal swelling
Prevention from ovarian cancer:
Go for a regular check-up and relevant tests as it will only help you in identifying ovarian cancer.
Colorectal or colon cancer
Colon cancer affects most of those women who have any past family medical history regarding this cancer. Colon cancer develops due to having polyps in the rectum or colon. Other causes of colon cancer include overweight, having high-fat content food, being inactive, and smoking. Furthermore, it majorly affects women of 40 to 45 years age group.
Symptoms of colon cancer
- Fatigue and weakness
- Blood in the stool
- Rectal bleeding
- Change in constipation
- Abdominal or belly pain
- Weight loss
Prevention from colon cancer
By bringing changes in your lifestyle such as avoiding the consumption of unhealthy fatty food, quitting smoking, and alcoholism can help in the prevention of colon cancer. Taking vitamin D and calcium-enriched foods or supplements will help you in maintaining your health and weight. Limit the intake of red meat. Therefore, exercise regularly to be physically fit and remain prevented from colon cancer.
Life is not for us to take for granted, especially with the increasing rate of cancers in women. Women-centric cancers develop in the reproductive organs of a woman. Going for an annual or monthly screening will help you to remain prevented from cancer. Therefore, maintaining a healthy diet and bringing some certain changes in your life will help you to get free from all these different types of cancers.