As it is said “every moment is sacred and every day is a blessing”, with this phrase let’s live every day to the fullest. Being able to live is itself an occasion. With this new Dawn, gather your hopes, strengthen your will, and move ahead to achieve your goal and make it happen! We at BragSocial, through the Today column, bring to you the amazing reasons we should celebrate each day.
Celebrating hard work and accomplishment in the field of medical science, let us know what today is marked for.
World Mosquito Day
Animals as well as plants play a vital role in our lives. Sometimes they may be harmful, but we can never neglect the aids they provide us. What we need is being aware of the diseases caused by them as well as their cures. One such animal is a mosquito, responsible for spreading malaria amongst people. World Mosquito Day is all about spreading awareness amongst people for the cures and facts of malaria, to keep them protected and safe.
Recognition of Day
World Mosquito Day is observed on 20th August, remembering British doctor Sir Ronald Ross’s discovery in 1897. The discovery stated that female mosquitoes transmit malaria between humans.
The aim is to raise awareness about the causes of malaria and how it can be prevented.
How is it celebrated?
The London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine celebrates World Mosquito Day with exhibitions and parties designed both to entertain and to inform. Other celebrations include Malaria No More’s ‘Mozzy Air’ campaign, encouraging people to take anti-malarial care when flying to malaria zones as well as Nothing But Nets’ twitter campaigns to provide mosquito nets for poor communities.
International Day of Medical Transporters
Medical transporters are the superheroes who hold your life in your hands when you are on the verge of losing a life. From being carried in vans to delivering medicines at home, they are the ones who play a key role in our lives. Founded in 1914-1920 by RAMC (Royal Army Medical Corps), this day aims to respect the medical transporters present out there.
History and increasing sector
Medical issues are immortal, one day to someone another day to another one.
The history of medical transportation can be majorly seen in world wars as well as pandemics. They have acted as major saviors for nations.
As the population grows, so rises the healthcare industry and the number of Medical Transporters working in the field. This increases their roles in our lives. From the local Medi-Van that transports patients to appointments for things like dialysis to the ambulance driver administering care to stabilize you while you’re on the way to the hospital, these professionals take our lives in their hands every day.
How to celebrate?
The best way to celebrate this day is to work with them, helping others. Also, if you know any such transporter, send a thanks gift or something to make them realize they are special so this day is being celebrated.
For organizations, what they can do about this is by providing small gifts, as well as organizing parties to honor them. You may find yourself having a new respect for the men and women who spend their lives protecting your health by being there to take you where you need to go to get the treatment you need.
“A healthy body is a guest-chamber for the soul; a sick body is a prison.”– Sir Francis Bacon
Once we start doing something of your choice, we do not bother about the hours spent on it. We often neglect our body requirements to stay healthy and fit due to mental conditions and pressures. There is where we lack. Both mental, as well as physical fitness, is essential to play a good part in life. They both are the two sides of a coin that can never be singularly accomplished. If you are mentally fit, happy, and physically strong you will suffer. Similarly, if you are physically fit and mentally unstable, you will have to agonize too. So take care of yourself and be fit, fine, and healthy to lead a happy life.
Source of information – https://www.daysoftheyear.com/days/international-day-of-medical-transporters/