The clock never stops, the hands keep rushing at their pace, and we need to keep up with them. Not every day brings in excitement and showers of joy,
The clock never stops, the hands keep rushing at their pace, and we need to keep up with them. Not every day brings in excitement and showers of joy, some days we stumble upon disappointments. But, to stay gloomy and embrace melancholy, or just shatter them with our smile, is all that comes from within. In simple words, we are sad when we choose to be. So, here we bring to you several reasons to make today count and celebrate each day. The Today column brings to you the reasons to celebrate each day!
While we walk through different pages of our lives, unknowingly and knowingly, we are pitched against people. We are met with unprecedented competitions and comparisons that need not be taken, but pushed on our ways anyhow. We often think of winning, winning in our sense, that reflects defeating the opponent and going ahead with the joy of victory. But, we often do not acknowledge the opponents’ help in letting us win. Why not take them along? Why not just win the bid but win over the opponent and take them along on the journey? Why not grow as a community, rather than winning above it?
“It is very easy to defeat someone, but it is very difficult to win someone.”
APJ Abdul Kalam
Today, we have another reason to celebrate, a day to enjoy and be thankful about. It is ‘Airborne Day‘, and let us see why it marks importance in our lives.
Safer nights and calmer days are something that often gets taken for granted. We go by our day to day lives with ease, and set milestones for our lives. But, there is a section of people who actually work, day and night to ensure that their neighbors, their fellow citizens, and their country remain safe at all costs. The armed focus, burn the midnight oil, sacrifice their own lives to make sure those who live can utilize their freedom without a sense of fear. It is never enough, and each moment should be a moment of gratitude.
Today, we acknowledge and thank all these warriors, especially the soldiers who actively work in the air forces. Today, in the year 1940 marked the first official Army parachute jump at Ft. Benning, Georgia. The successful and safe jump validated the innovation of adding a line of combat forces in the air.
This force represents one of the best and well-trained lot in the US.
The best way to celebrate today is to share a note of gratitude to these patriots, for their love and care towards us, and the nation. If you personally know a family of any such soldier, help them with their needs and thank them as well. Also, do not forget to share the word about today and its importance.