Today on December 14, we bring two events from the pages of history. With each passing day, let’s discover something new and explore our boundaries. We bring you a treat from France, Bouillabaisse Day. Also, while you eat it, we want your attention towards a major issue. Today we also celebrate Energy Conservation Day.

Source: pinterest.com
Energy Conservation Day
From the human body to everyday used electronics, we all rely on energy. We eat food in order to attain calories. Similarly, power plants supply abundance of energy for everyday use. What will happen if you will lose all resources that provide it? It seems unreal to imagine but not impossible. Energy resources like coal, petroleum etc. are limited. Also known as Eco-sufficiency, we should use a minimum amount of fossils.
With the rise in Arab Oil Embargo in 1973, the US government decided to set up the Department of Energy. Laws related to energy efficiency and research. Objectives were to conserve non-renewable resources. However, this was not limited with the US. In India, awards honored people who took special efforts towards energy conservation. Since December 14, 1991 we have observed Energy Conservation Day. However, today it is not only about conservation of energy. It also addresses climate change and raising awareness around it.
How To Celebrate?
Raise awareness regarding this subject. Educate yourself and your peers about climate change and energy efficiency. Many websites offer different ways to use minimum energy. Use appliances that consume less energy. Avoid wasting energy by leaving lights on in an empty room or water wastage or unused electric appliances for long. Use local transport. You can also pool cars. But ensure you are safe from Covid-19. You can visit the official website of the Department of Energy to learn more.

Source: pinterest.com
National Bouillabaisse Day
Love Bouillabaisse? Today, on December 14, is your day to eat all you want. If you haven’t tried this delicious meal, we recommend you should. A Bouillabaisse is cooking a fish in boiling water with Olive Oil. Unlike stew, the water creates a creamy texture with help of Olive oil. You can also order online or try at home. It is one of those foods that you cannot miss!
The story behind the recipe revolves around a fisherman. Since some fish were too bony to eat. They take a long time to get prepared. However the name ‘Bouillabaisse’ was seen in ‘Bouillabaisse à la Marseillaise’ in Le Cuisinier Durand. In the nineteenth century, this dish became popular, especially with Upper class society. Interestingly, a similar dish is mentioned in ancient Roman Mythology. The soup that Venus feeds to Vulcan.
How to Celebrate?
You can gather ingredients and make your own delicious stew. Or you can order online. If it is safe, you can visit your favorite Restaurant and have this tasty meal. You can also read and explore different variations of this recipe.
Also, you can watch Julia Child while she prepares her ‘Bouillabaisse A La Marseillaise’. You can have a nice dinner date or watch a movie while enjoying this recipe. Post a picture and join others with #BouillabaisseDay .
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