The clock never stops, the hands keep rushing at their pace, and we need to keep up with them. Not every day brings in excitement and showers of joy,
The clock never stops, the hands keep rushing at their pace, and we need to keep up with them. Not every day brings in excitement and showers of joy, some days we stumble upon disappointments. But to stay gloomy and embrace melancholy, or just shatter them with our smile, is all that comes from within. In simple words, we are sad when we choose to be. So, here we bring to you several reasons to make today count and celebrate each day. The Today column brings to you the many reasons to celebrate each day.
It takes no time for the universe to manifest to what you want. Any time delay, your delay, your experience is due to you delaying in getting to the place of believing, knowing, and feeling that you already have it. It is you getting yourself on the frequency of what you want. When you are on, what you want will appear.
“My life will begin to take the shape I
Sincerely wish when I give as much
Energy to my dreams as I do to my fears.”
Rhonda Byrne
We have another reason to celebrate today. Let us put some party into our otherwise, hectic work life. Today is ‘Sons and Daughters Day’, the perfect occasion to celebrate.

Today we celebrate all the sons and daughters out there. It is Sons and Daughters Day, and I would like to wish every Son and Daughter out there! So, this specific day has been formed so that you can let your kids know how extraordinary they are, and vice versa. It is an enormous chance for families to spend special moments together. Life is at such a fast speed today that we let the simple moments bypass. That’s why Son and Daughter Day provides us with the opportunity and time to be together. If you are a parent, learn about what inspires your kids. Find out about their hope and imaginings. You can learn about each other and teach other dissimilar things. It’s all about spending an excellent time jointly.
History of the Day
The origins of son and daughter day are unknown. It is celebrated broadly across the world by parents spending time with their children and letting them know how special and how precious they are to them. The best present to give on Son and Daughter Day is the gift of time.
There have been some records of Son and Daughter Day in history. For example, the earliest ceremony of this day can be dated back to the 11th of August in 1988. It is mentioned in an article from the Nanaimo Daily News, which is for the British Columbia region in Canada. However, if you dig deeper, you will find that there has been reference to this date even earlier in history. In the St. Joseph News-Press Gazette, this date was referenced on the 20th of August in 1944.
How to celebrate?
You could also have fun making your children’s favorite meal or a treat mutually at home. Whether you make your own homemade pizza or have fun creating individual ice-cream sundaes, it is up to you! It is all about spending some fun times together and having something tasty!
If you have older kids and they do not live at residence any longer, make plans early to do something special, and cool together on Son and Daughter Day. If it is not possible for you to get together on this date, because your children live far away or they have a work commitment, you should schedule a family video call so that you can all enjoy catching up with one and other. You can organize some games or quizzes to play while on the video call together. And it will be quite fun.