We have successfully completed half a year. 2020 is flying by like a shooting star, and here we are at July. It is a long year ahead just like the months that went by. The days that passed have taught us many things and we are going to rock the rest of the months as well. We bring to you the different reasons we should be celebrating each day through this Today column so read on to know why you should.
All of us are traveling to a destination called success. While we are on the journey, at least once we fall short of just a stair to jump over to the next level. The stair might be a job offer, a gadget, or even time constraints. And, while we are on the edge to take the jump, and we fall short, it disappoints. But, often we forget that a lot of lost opportunities bring in the room to create something new, bring in innovation to our journey. All it would take is some effort and little determination.
“ I could not fly like a bird, I chose to be the pilot of my crafted plane.”
We have another reason to celebrate today. Let us put some party into our otherwise, hectic work life. Today is ‘Carousel Day’, the perfect occasion to celebrate.
Our childhoods have been noteworthy because of the innumerable amounts of fun we could have outdoors, from circuses to parks, to short night drives, to riding in the merry-go-round, in an afternoon. These merry-go-rounds, also named carousels, have a history dating back to many centuries. Aptly fitting the name merry-go-round, the carousels gave us immense joy as a child and humongous nostalgia as we look back today. Today, we celebrate these carousels and their history. We are supposed to celebrate the thought behind this invention, and the love it has shown us.
Carousels originated from the Arabian and Turkish provinces, later finding a prominent place in England fairs. The National Carousel Association, in a way to preserve their history in the United States, keeps a census of all carousels in the country.
The best way to celebrate the day is to visit a carousel that has been left undiscovered in your locality. The census is proof of this. If you have little children at home, today is the best way to take them around the city and give a break to all the gadgets we are always drowned in.