Each new day should be received with gratitude. Gratitude for the amazing new beginning it has provided and helped us see the bright light in the morning. This gratitude should be celebrated with all ways you can. So, we through this Today column, bring to you the amazing reasons you can use to enjoy your day.
Farm Workers Day
We replenish our grocery bags at regular intervals. We enjoy getting into the supermarket and buying all the stuff we would need to make our tummies feel happy. But, in that process, we forget the roots of all the food we get. From vegetables to meat, everything is a result of someone’s hard work. And, they work relentlessly to feed us every day. Each day we forget the farmers whose sacrifices are what we eat as food. Today reminds us to be grateful for all these people. We need to acknowledge and thank them for their help and hard work.
So, get on your vehicles rolling and visit the nearest farm. Talk to the farmers, ask them about their journey, learn about their hardships, and understand their part of the story. Try your best to help them in any way you can. Also, pledge today to not waste food at any circumstance. Spread the word, urge others to do the same.
Yarn Bombing Day
Yarn bombing is something that has not been very popular in urban cities. Yarn bombing is just an act of covering bus stops, trees, dustbins, towers, and others with colorful fabric knitted beautifully. All these places are covered with such pieces to indicate that knitting can be more than just making dresses and they can beautify places as well. There is no vandalism or propaganda involved, but just pure art. The day officially became a part of celebrations in June- 2011.
The best way to celebrate the day is to yarn bomb some yarn yourself and decorate your doors maybe. Flood your social media with a suitable hashtag and get on with your work. Spread love today along with these colors.