Human Intelligence – The Designer of Artificial Intelligence
lntelligence, in simpler words, can be explained as the mental ability of one of reasoning, problem-solving, and learning. Intelligence comes with perception, attention, and planning. Humans are the only resource of intelligence on this planet and this is what makes us stand out from all the natural god-gifted resources on this planet. The human brain has the capability of making decisions, remembering things of the past, and calculating for the future.
Artificial intelligence as the name itself suggests it is a man-made intelligent machine. AI is born from us, humans and it is helping us to evolve our lifestyle into a more skilled and advanced lifestyle.
Human Intelligence (HI):
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We humans have a habit of learning and evolving ourselves into a different person by learning from our environment. Human intelligence keeps on increasing by learning and adapting to new situations of the environment.
Our brain works on logic, ambitions, passions, and common sense. Our brain is made up of many layers with lots of sophisticated and complex network running inside it. Human intelligence has the power of acquiring knowledge from the surroundings and with the experiences of others, it doesn’t wait for the situations to come on an individual’s way.
Humans have knowledge that provides power and along with power comes responsibility. The power of knowledge needs to be applied with the responsibility of making not destroying. Human intelligence has mysterious powers of interpretations and intuitions. We, humans, get intuitions of future happenings with the ability to interpret the results. This is done by calculating things by taking references from our past experiences.
Human intelligence not only allows us to adapt to our surrounding environments but also gives us the power to change our surroundings according to our needs.
Artificial Intelligence (AI):
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Artificial intelligence is the branch of computer science where machines are designed in a way so that they can mimic humans. AI is called intelligent agents designed to act-like humans.
AI technologies are developed through the use of the mathematical process. Sub-parts of Artificial intelligence are Machine Learning (ML) and Deep Learning (DL) which play a very crucial role in designing the machine which can act-like humans.
Algorithms of machine learning and deep learning are used to inculcate decision-making power into the machines. Just like humans learn by practicing, these algorithms are also written in a way that keeps on learning from there past mistakes.
The technology of AI is on a high pedestal today due to the hard work of 60 years by the technical field people. Today we have reached this state where machines are acting-like humans but not working like humans.
Today, AI is all around us, from laborers in industries to security guards of homes that are replaced by artificial intelligence.
AI is seen in automated cars, weather forecasting, home security, web searches, online services from stores, the fraud protection in banks, and in every small work of our lives.
What makes AI different from HI :
Source: pexels.com
The human brain has the ability to multitask but AI can not. Although it seems AI multitasks whereas it always does one task at a time. However, due to its fast speed, it seems to multitask.
The human brain has more than 100 billion neurons in it while the last fastest supercomputer has up to 10 million cores in it. This proves that humans have an advantage in storing more information than any machine to date.
Artificial intelligence can not make judgments, it will directly give an error but human intelligence has the power of making judgments by using their past experience and intuitions as reference.
AI doesn’t have any words like “why” and “what if” in its dictionary, they are programmed to do a specific task even if the situation is adverse then also AI will perform that task without thinking of the consequences.
Human intelligence here comes in power because humans change their decisions and intentions according to the situations because they think of the after-effects of it.
The human brain has a habit of getting bored from the work if they do not find any interconnection or interest in it but here AI beats humans, AI will perform the task if programmed to do so, they never get bored of anything. The speed and accuracy of AI defeat humans.
AI is designed to do specific tasks and it will perform that specific task in its whole life but humans take experience and adapt new things and change accordingly.
This new era of technology has given the ease and a helping hand to humans in the name of artificial intelligence.
AI will make the lives of humans more skilled and convenient lifestyles to humans. AI will improve more in the coming times and will become more like humans.
Although Artificial intelligence is more accurate and does the task with more expertise. The whole and sole is still human intelligence because humans are the ones which design these AI with expertise.
The skills and accuracy totally depend on human intelligence, the data which humans feed in the AIs is the way they act, so human intelligence is supreme to date.
Some studies show that Artificial Intelligence will replace Human Intelligence around the year 2040 and some studies show that Human Intelligence cannot be replaced by Artificial Intelligence because of the decision-making and logically thinking capabilities of humans.
Humans have the knowledge and power to design Artificial Intelligence with which comes a responsibility to humans to use this power in the right manner which can develop humanity and not destroy humanity
[…] is making the impossible possible. With artificial intelligence (AI) we are at the edge of creating smarter. AI is playing an important role in our lives. From […]