What are the images that pop up when you think of traveling? Is it a luxurious resort with an exotic spa and swimming pools? Martinis in the lounge and vodka shots at the bar? Is your kind of travel indoors amongst all the time? No, right! Almost every person who travels is to escape the hustle-bustle of this city life. Moreover, it is to breathe in openness, to sit under the stars and wonder, to vampire among the owl hoots, and so much more. Researchers have found that the main reason to travel is to be one with nature. There is a lot to talk about when we speak of the relationship between travelers and nature.
Why do travelers explore tranquil nature?
We all live in crowded places, always surrounded by voices. It is so easy to forget ourselves in this chaotic life. It is normal to need a break from the spotlights, meetings, deadlines, constant marketings, cameras, lustrous reviews. When the reality seems overwhelming, people go back to the roots of existence. NATURE!
If you want to really see a place, to dive into its culture, and to have a more extended journey for less, nature travel is an enticing option. Experienced travelers are big fans of the concept of nature travel. You stay in small towns or villages, sometimes cook your own food, eat local food, and your sightseeing spots are forests, rivers, and mountains. Watch starry nights, had funny local food, fed pets, and chickens.
Nature’s hypnotic beauty is complemented by profound ethical reflection, contrasting the micro and the macro in a humbling exploration of humanity’s relationship with the ground it stands on.
The Right kind of Lost
Travelers feel that with nature we are lost in the right direction. We ponder, we starve, we reflect, we realize and we move. Regardless of age and race, we humans feel at home when surrounded by nature. Like people say when in doubt go to the library. Rather it should be when in doubt go back to the roots. You can try an epic trek or simply sit on the shores of the sea, but clearing your mind in nature is a great way to help you hit the reset button. Watch the leaves float away or just hear the rhythmic sound of waters. Nature heals, soothes, and restores.
Nature Heals Every Traveler
Whether it is from surgery, illness, or a simple fall, pain is difficult to deal with. Often, the deepest wounds are those inflicted upon the psyche—that deep, emotional ache that comes from betrayal or disappointment or neglect. These are the hardest wounds to heal. However, nature is up for the challenge. Such wounds will cause the brain to signal the production of cortisol by the adrenal glands. Raised cortisol hinders learning and memory, weakens immune function and bone density, and increases weight gain, blood pressure, and heart disease. Conversely, nature rises synergies of the opioid receptors in the brain’s optical cortex—making viewing nature a physically pleasurable experience compared. Thus reducing cortisol.
Nature Soothes Every Traveler
The prefrontal cortex of the brain, the command center, is an overused muscle. It wishes to be dialed down and rest. Nature allows this process. When we get closer to nature be it untouched wilderness or simply a sapling we have planted—we do our overstressed brains a favor.
Furthermore, time in nature increases our attention span. Because humans find nature essentially entertaining, we can easily concentrate on what we are enduring out in the environment. This also provides a rest for our excessively active minds, reviving us for new duties.
Nature Resets Every Traveler
Natural environments favor calm and happiness because they expose people to low levels of tension. These stressful experiences are tame in comparison with the trials and tribulations that most of us associate with stress — workplace drama, traffic jams, and wailing children on international plane trips. Humans thrive with some stimulation, but we are incompetent at coping with intense stressors, which push us from the comfortable domain of good stress to the danger zone of bad stress. This in turn advances your blood pressure, heart rate, and muscle tension and suppresses your immune system. A pleasant atmosphere reverses that.
The relationship between nature and travelers goes a long way. It does not disappoint and always has stories. Just give yourself a chance to reflect, reset and respond in nature. You are going to gain immense clarity. In this big big world, your problems will seem small and mundane. In front of the majestic mountains and queenly seas, your worries will seem meaningless. You will have a natural glow in your thoughts and love the present a little more. As already said, it is the best kind of relationship. One that soothes you and is always there to have your back.
To know more about how traveling can change you, click here.