What do you understand by the term “rescue”? It is saving someone or something from a dangerous, uncomfortable, or unpleasant situation. Therefore, the term “animal rescue” means rescuing animals from these sorts of situations. Animal rescue is saving animals from cruelty and abuse. There are many NGOs all around the world working for animal rescue.
But, the question is why animals need rescuing? Before that, we need to realize what kind of place they are in.
Animals that Suffer the Most
Every animal faces brutality in its lifetime. But certain animals suffer the most. And, people are often really harsh towards them. Cats, dogs, cows, and many such animals are the most rescued. Rescuing dogs and cats is an easy task. But, with animals like cows and horses, the task is difficult.
Cats are one of the frequent animals that are brought into an animal shelter. There are many reasons for bringing cats into these shelters. Some of the reasons are pet parents are abusing them or they want to get rid of the pet after the arrival of a kid at home. Also, many cats are with animal hoarders. These are brought to the shelters for good treatment and with the hope to get them a good family. The best example of cat rescue is the Black Dog
Animal Rescue and the Laramie County Sheriff’s Department get cats out of stressful homes and give them to the jail inmates. The inmates who are cleared by the department, take care of these cats.
Dogs are half of the animal population who end up in an animal shelter every year. Age is not a factor in these animal shelters. You can see both puppies and grown-up dogs in these places. The most horrifying cases of animal rescue are dogs who are abused and mistreated. They are found with sores, and wounds on their bodies. Veterinary doctors present at these shelters treat these animals. Others are found running on the streets or found in the neighborhood. They are also given to the shelters when owners witness aggressive behavior.
Also, just like cats, dogs are given away by their folks who do not want them anymore. However, people who visit these shelters often want a bundle of fur without any fault. Also, most people either want puppies or a good breed of dogs. Dogs like German Shepherd and Pitbull are often subjected to this discrimination. But, some people are willing to take any dog with them with just the intention of providing them with safety and love.
Livestock and Poultry
Livestock and Poultry are victims of cruelty and mistreatment. They are born, fed, and then killed for money. Living conditions of these are pitiable. Farm animals are exploited by profit margins they can yield. Therefore, the need to take care of their needs is considered by the owners. Animal rescue operations try to make people think about adopting them as pets. But it requires gentle care and training.
Need for Animal Rescue
Animals are as significant parts of the ecosystem as we are. They help us maintain the balance of nature, and the ecosystem. We are because of them and they are because of us. We exist in a correlation with them. They are entitled to live happily and freely as every one of us. Therefore, it is our moral duty to protect them, love them and provide care to them. Furthermore, nobody deserves to suffer, be it humans or animals. They cannot express the pain and the suffering they are subjected to. So, we are the voice of the voiceless.
People working as volunteers in animal shelters see sights that horrify them to the core. These sites make the volunteers and us wonder if the human race is turning into monsters. Subsequently, animal rescue shelters have increased. These shelters have become a necessity for these animals. They have all kinds of facilities for such animals. From a vet to comfortable homes. From protection to love and care. These shelters organize various workshops for animal protection and welfare. They rescue an animal every day, on average.

Image by Matan Ray Vizel from Pixabay
What Can You Do
We are sure that most of you are pet lovers. You love having a dog, a cat, or even a reptile. But, this is also a reality that many animals are victims of cruelty and hatred for no fault of theirs. Most people buy their pets rather than adopting them, which is what you can do the least. Do not buy pets from pet shops. By adopting, you will save your money and the animal will get a lovable home.
Moreover, you can find your choice of pet in an animal shelter. Be it cats, dogs, horses, rabbits, or even a turtle. Do not be biased towards some animals like certain types of dog breeds or other animals. Be kind enough to adopt animals that are generally not adopted for reasons like disability or they are not a “furball”. Moreover, be a volunteer at some animal shelter. Also, tell your friends about such shelters. Encourage them to adopt and not to buy. With these steps together we can bring a change in the world and animals will not need rescuing. Let us be kinder to these friends of ours!