“Some days I am more wolf than woman and I am still learning how to stop apologizing for my wild ” – Nikita Gill
We, human beings outline the world with some unseen boundaries. We grow within these dividing lines. Hey you, sit properly, what will the guests say? Dear do not leave the home late in the night. We do not think as the daughter in law of our house, we can let you work after marriage! Your skirt is too small, wear something appropriate. These are some of those confines that girls and women face on a daily basis. Moreover, we from their first footsteps, tell them that the world is a dark place.
Well why, we ask? Can we not teach our sons that respect is common courtesy? Furthermore, is it not our duty to tell the heroic men of this planet that women are equal? We do not fear the wilds or the waves. From time immemorial, we have had women who have questioned these stereotypes. In addition to that, they have raged on with their high heels and boots and conquered the world. Today, we bow down to some of these exceptional women. Brag Social brings to you yet another modern article. Read on and get inspired.
Boss like women:
Climb your Mountain Alone:

Source: IDAHO: A climbing Guide
In the early 1930s, the men of the society did not let women step out of the house. They were confined in the four walls of their homes. But, Miriam O’Brien was different. Moreover, she is the one who broke all stereotypes, in the eye watch of all men. She was the first woman who climbed the stormy mountains alone. Without any support of a man. A strong hearted mother raised Miriam. She was a mountain climber herself. Furthermore, she did not want to let her daughter adjust to the stereotypes of then.
Miriam trained from a very young age. She used to practice with all her heart and might during her summer vacations. National Geographic wrote articles singing her praise. She also went on to write an autobiography describing how she grew up to become a mountaineer.

Source: Wikipedia
I am no less than a man:
Greta Thunberg is one of the biggest influence on today’s generation. She is an environmental activist. Greta was an extraordinary woman from the very beginning of her life. She was the kind who was so upset with climate change that she stopped speaking to everyone. Thunberg had taken the world by a storm. She is in every newspaper. And, everyone is talking about her. A fun fact about Thunberg is she has the Asperger syndrome. This condition affects the way you socialize. Well, but would guess that this women shattered all stereotypes. She has spoken in front of millions. She has put forth immense efforts in making politicians pay attention to climate change. Greta is a boss lady. Moreover, every little girl hopes to be like her.

Source: Facebook
Laughter is my strongest weapon:
Until very recently, comedy was not a genre for women. Men heavily dominated this field. Additionally, women were hesitant about whether they could make an audience laugh. But, Nidhi Goyal, our next heroine, did just the opposite. She stepped into the field of comedy and stand up. Moreover, she never let her visual impairment create hindrance in achieving her goals and ambitions. From a very young age, she used to paint. She wanted to become a renowned artist. Although, eye disorder stood in her way. But did she look back? Of course not. Rather she ran towards all her difficulties and hugged them. She also is a Disability and Gender Rights activist. She fights for what is right. Moreover, she has broken every little stereotype out there.

Source: Wikipedia
Watch me break the stereotypes:
Jacinda Ardern is the 40th Prime Minister of New Zealand. Now one might ask how is she different from all the path-breaking women of the world? Well, she is one of the few ladies who have taken care of the office as well as her house. New Zealand is one of the safest countries.
Even during the Covid times, Ardern handled New Zealand with utmost grace. It was the country with one of the lowest cases. Additionally, she is also the reason why this country earned so much respect and recognition on the global pedestal. She has many accolades to her name. This is only the beginning of her journey. She is ready to take on the world with her grace and extraordinary skills.
Rough and tough:

Source: NPR
Football is game for boys. Heard this statement? Not anymore. Megan Rapinoe is our next inspiration. She is the caption of the US soccer team. Also, she has two world titles to her name. The girl starting playing soccer with her elder brother. He was her inspiration. She has been an exemplary football player and an asset to the country. Rapinoe created news when she knelt down during the national anthem for solidarity. She is a woman with strong legs and a stronger heart. Not only that, she is a part of the LGBTQIA community and supports them. She has always stood by her words and outdone herself at every opportunity. She defines women beauty.
These are only some of the path-breaking females of the world who broke all stereotypes. We have many unrecognized world changers. Also, we all have leaders within ourselves. Brag Social is a huge supporter of these unnamed heroines. Not one, not two but millions of them. Stereotypes are meant to be broken. Well, we should all try to out do ourselves everyday. Wake up and decide to be Greta Thunberg. Or write political histories. You could also play a sport. Change the way people look at you. A the end of the day be proud of what you achieved.
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