Tales of tragedy and the signing of peace treaties, a lot of such historic factors have contributed to the rich history we know of today. Without them, maybe we would not be looking at the world as we do today. Moreover, let us read about the events that happened on November 18, over the years that marked this day in the books of history.

source- blogostelle.blog
1718- Voltaire’s Oedipe premiere in Paris
Written by French dramatist and philosopher Voltaire, Oedipe is a tale of tragedy. He finished the play in 1717, while he was in prison for eleven months. Also, it was his first play. Born on November 21, 1694, his real name is François-Marie Arouet. He took the name Voltaire in 1718 with the release of his first play (Oedipe). Therefore, his play premiered in the Comédie-Française, on November 18, 1718. It ran in the theatre for forty-five nights. He died at the age of eighty-three on May 30, 1778, in Paris.
1865- Mark Twain publishes “celebrated jumping frog of Calaveras County “
A short story, written by Mark Twain, published on November 18, 1865. It appeared in The New York Saturday Press. Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County gained immense popularity among the readers. Hence, it was then published in many other newspapers and magazines. Moreover, later it was published as a book. The book compiled twenty-seven other short stories written by Mark Twain for newspapers and Magazines. With this, the Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County became his first greatest success. Also, this short story gained him recognition on a national level.

source- nationalvanguard.org
1926- George Bernard Shaw refuses the Nobel Prize money
George Bernard Shaw was born on July 26, 1856, in Ireland. He got nominated for the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1925. Although he refused the award altogether. But later on November 18, 1926, he accepted the Nobel Prize but declined the Prize money. A number of his stories had converted into plays and movies. His play Pygmalion had made into a movie twice and later into a musical- My Fair Lady. Therefore, the musical won him eight Academy awards in 1964. Also, he became the first person to receive a Nobel Prize as well as an Academy Award.
1833 Netherlands & Belgium sign Treaty of Zonhoven
In the Belgian province of Limburg, the municipality of Zonhoven is located. A treaty was signed between the representatives of the Netherlands and Belgium on November 18, 1883, in Zonhoven. The treaty established the regulation on the use of the Meuse River. The treaty helped to reinstate the mutual relationship between Belgium and Netherland.
1883 Standard time zones forms in US & Canada
Us and Canada adopted a standard time zone to replace the multiple time zone across the continent. The establishment of the standard time zone began on November 18, 1883. The railroad companies established this standard time zone system to end the confusion over different time zones. Therefore, the first time zone began at the noon on this day. So, instead of having multiple time zones, varying from city to city. The US and Canadian railroads established the standard time zone, o be followed everywhere in the continent.