History is something that illuminates the culture and its origin. It also forecasts the awareness and how and when everything evolved and fell into place. It not only helps us trace the origins of the past but also helps us understand it better which leads to understanding of the present in a more desirable way. We, through this Today bring to you the milestones achieved each day. Let us now read the historical milestones of August 23:
1784: The State of Franklin declares independence
Four countries in North Carolina declare their independence State of Franklin. The settlers in the Cumberland formed their independent government from 1772 to 1777 and were concerned that Congress would sell the territory to Spain or France as a means of paying off some of the government’s war debt.
1954: First flight of the C-130 Hercules transport aircraft
C-130 Hercules was a military transport aircraft which was originated nationally from the United States. The manufacturer was Lockheed corporation, Lockheed Martin. It has to status to service. It was introduced in December 1956 and the first flight was on 23 August 1954. The unit cost of this aircraft is C-130E is $11.9 million and that of C-130H is $30.1 million.
1966: Lunar Orbiter 1 first photograph of earth from the Moon
An unnamed spacecraft was designed by NASA. It took the first picture from the lunar orbit of the earth. It was primally built to take photographs of the smooth surfaces of the moon for verification and landing places for Apollo missions. It was also equipped to collect the radiation intensity and micrometeoroid spectrums data.
1990: New York City reports first cases of West Nile virus
the first cases of the encephalitis outbreak reported in New York city of the West Nile river virus on this day. When the cases were reported seven people have already died. The Central Disease Control [COD] was also called for an investigation. They found that the virus which was only in Uganda has been spread throughout the area by scattering birds and later by other animals also.
Source: Wikipedia