Macon B. Allen becomes the first African American to be admitted to the Bar in Massachusetts.
Macon Bolling Allen (born Allen Macon Bolling; August 4, 1816 – June 11, 1894) is believed to be both the first African American licensed to practice law and to hold a judicial position in the United States. Allen passed the bar exam in Maine in 1844 and became a Massachusetts Justice of the Peace in 1848.
President Abraham Lincoln’s funeral train arrives in Springfield, Illinois.
On April 21, 1865, a train carrying the coffin of assassinated President Abraham Lincoln leaves Washington, D.C. on its way to Springfield, Illinois, where he would be buried on May 4. The train carrying Lincoln’s body traveled through 180 cities and seven states on its way to Lincoln’s home state of Illinois.
U.S. Marines land in Nicaragua.
The first airplane lands at the geographic North Pole.
On May 3, 1952, pilot William P. Benedict and Fletcher as co-pilot flew that plane to the North Pole, along with scientist Albert P. Crary, to become the first Americans to land and set foot on the exact geographic North Pole.
Source- historynet.com