History is an account of the events that take place in the past. It is a great source of information and explains how we became what we are today. It indeed helps us to appreciate our present and give a better vision for the future. Also, understanding how society functions and how it came to be what it is can be of great help in our real lives as well. Let us have a look at the events of December 28.

Source: History.com
The first commercial movie screened (1895)
Two French brothers, Louis and Auguste Lumiere made the very first commercial movie on December 28, 1895. It was screened at the Grand Cafe in Paris. They made a camera-projector known as the Cinematographe. The Cinematographe which got its patent in 1895 worked both as a movie camera and a projector. The projector could display moving images on a screen. The film they made were short scenes from everyday French life with charged admission.
The first-ever Women’s cricket international begins in Australia (1934)
In 1934, the English Women’s cricket team began with a tour to Australia and New Zealand. This was the tour on which the Women’s internationals were played for the first time by England against Australia (the first three matches) and New Zealand (the last match). Myrtle Maclagan, an English cricketer, dominated all the four matches played on the tour.
She made 279 runs and took 26 wickets. The National Library of Australia contains photographs of this historic tour.
Robert Sullivan becomes the first pilot to fly over the Pacific 100 times (1942)
Robert Sullivan flew over the Pacific for the 100th time on December 28, 1942. He was a B-18 pilot and graduated from UCLA in 1938. He started the job as a parking-lot attendant. Moreover, Sullivan went to Yale for military governor training and later spent three years in Japan representing the U.S. occupation force. He worked with the Douglas Aircraft Company to envision the future of military aircraft.
Congress officially recognizes “Pledge of Allegiance” (1945)

Source: Debate.org
Francis Bellamy wrote The Pledge of Allegiance in 1892. Also, Congress officially recognized it on December 28, 1945. It was anonymously published in the young people’s magazine ‘The Youth’s Companion’ on September 8, 1892. It is the celebration of the 400th anniversary of the discovery of America. The pledge published read, “ I pledge allegiance to my Flag and the Republic for which it stands; one nation Indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for all.”
First American “test-tube” baby is born (1981)
In Norfolk, Virginia the first American “test-tube” baby was born as a result of in-vitro fertilization (IVF) on December 28, 1981. Her name was Elizabeth Jordan Carr. In-vitro fertilization is a technique in which doctors take the ovum or the egg of the woman’s body, fertilize it, and implant it in the placenta of a surrogate woman. IVF is for women who cannot conceive due to any medical reason. Furthermore, Mason Andrews performed the caesarean was Mason Andrews. There were no complications during and after the birth of the baby.
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