The importance of freedom can be known to the person who is deprived of it. Just to cherish the freedom, we celebrate World Freedom Day. And to embrace the life full of chaos, we celebrate Chaos Never Dies Day. So that we can start enjoying all the madness life has to offer. Therefore, today we celebrate both of these event on November 9, every year.
World Freedom Day, celebrated on November 9, marking the annual ceremony of the fall of the Berlin wall. The wall raised in Berlin in 1961, worked as a boundary during the cold war. President George W. Bush, first declared to celebrate World Freedom Day every year on November 9.

source- www.pintrest.com
During the cold war of Germany, a wall had to built. As a result, Germany divided into two parts- East Germany and West Germany. On the other hand, installation of electric wires, minefield and other features had made to stop immigrants from crossing over. While many people escaped fortunately, many of them died in the process.
Finally on November 9, 1989, the East German government allowed East Germans to visit West Germany. Therefore, the wall began to fall. People started to chip away the parts of the wall to keep as souvenirs. Which conclusively it resulted in he fall of the Berlin wall.
Mainly celebrated by the conservative groups and political activists. They celebrate World Freedom Day as the day marks the victory over communism. The conservative groups celebrate by carrying out rallies and campaigns. Similarly, you can also celebrate this day by reading about Ronald Reagan, Margaret Thatcher and Pope John Paul II. All of which, played a crucial part helping in the win over communism.

source- www.skup.net
Imagine a holiday dedicated just to cherish the madness of life. Well, embracing this craziness, we celebrate Chaos Never Dies Day on November 9. In this Gen Z generation, having a busy and hectic life has become the new normal. People do not have time for even themselves. This Unofficial holiday, in the middle of autumn, is just to remind us to embrace the chaos life brings everyday.
You can celebrate this day, just by spending time with yourself and taking care of yourself. Above all, grasp the moment and stop waiting for that perfect subdue moment.