Celebrations of any sort should not be limited to just festivals or carnivals. There are more ways to celebrate any type of event or day in this world. We can celebrate a good day at the farm by retiring back home and spending time with family. Or we can simply celebrate ourselves by cooking delicious and healthy food and eat it while watching our favorite show. BragSocial brings to such interesting days to be celebrated on November 12.

source- www.indiatoday.indiatoday.in
World Pneumonia Day
A form of acute respiratory infection, that infects the lungs, making it difficult to breath to the infected. Even though this disease is curable with the help of proper treatment and vaccination, the death count is huge. Children that have week immune system, have more chances of being infected by this disease. Consequently, in the year 2009, the Global Coalition against Child Pneumonia (GCCP) celebrated the World Pneumonia Day on November 12, 2009, for the fist time.
In order to address this issue and build public and political help, Global Coalition against Child Pneumonia (GCCP), initiated this event. It is not a holiday but an international observance. Due to pneumonia, one out of five children, under the age of five, every year. Celebrated every year on November 12, to spread the awareness among people. Even though the disease is treatable, infants die due to lack of awareness and negligence. WHO and the UNICEF released an integrated Global Action Plan for the Prevention and Control of Pneumonia and Diarrhea. Their goal is that by the year 2025, the worldwide deaths due pneumonia should not be more than three per thousand children.
How to celebrate
World Pneumonia day is help on November 12 every year to raise awareness about pneumonia. Doctors and hospitals make efforts by supplying medical oxygen to patients to keep them healthy. We on the other hand can make contributions and donations to underprivileged people who cannot afford treatment. In this contemporary world of our, we can spread awareness through social media and collect donators online itself. This will help supply required medicines to the patients and reduce the death toll as much as possible.
Chicken Soup for the soul day

Source – https://www.nytimes.com/
Everybody loves chicken soup. Only the non-vegetarians actually. Naturally, when someone hears “ Chicken soup for the soul”, the first thought in mind would be “ a lovely chicken soup after a day of hard work”. Well, that’s not the case. Let’s see why.
When we are among a group of people, the one with the best story, has the room’s attention. Sometimes, the story may not be as magical, but the speaker has a way of making it that way. In 1993, Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen become well know for such an ability. They published a series of books called “Chicken Soup for the Soul”. This was a collection of meaningful and moral stories meant to give reassurance to people that no matter how their lives are right now, It will all be better soon!
How to Celebrate
This is one particular day when you don’t need anyone else to celebrate with. Just pick up any book from the series of “ Chicken Soup for the Soul” and start reading. Sit at a window-side with blankets and pillows. Even make a cup of hot chicken soup for yourself if you like and enjoy your day in peace.
Well, the usual saying for a relaxed weekend to come is TGIF, or Thank God it’s Friday. Unfortunately, it is not Friday today. You spend most of the days of the week with coworkers, colleges, and friends. Why don’t you spend today with yourself and celebrate these simple yet wonderful days with yourself and get some me-time? Happy November 12!
Happy Hour Day

Source -https://www.pexels.com/
Everyone loves to be happy, obviously. They became happy on birthdays, at weddings, or at even scoring a 4.0 GPA in an exam. But Happy Hour Day is not like other happy days. Yes, it has a historical advantage that the youth, even oldies too, of now are able to enjoy.
Back in 1914, The U.S Navy Officially created “ Happy Hour”. This was done literally as a result of boredom. After the commencement of world war I, the Navy got bored or tired after a long day of work or no work at the post. This led to the gathering of them during sunset and have fun with drinks, food, music, and dance. Thus the unofficial yet official happy hour became evening time. On November 12, it was given the name “ Happy Hour”.
How to Celebrate
Well, it is pretty evident oh how to celebrate “Happy Hour”. Finish your work at the office by 5 or 6 pm. Then grab a couple of friends or co-workers and go to a neat restaurant or bar. Enjoy the discounted appetizers, meals, and drinks till 7 or 8 pm. Have a good quality time, chat with friends, and catch up with them. “ Happy Hour” is as simple as that!