Every day has a special significance to it. Some days are reserved to celebrate the important people in our lives. Whereas some days we celebrate the cultural and religious diversity of the world. Just like this on January 26, every year, we celebrate International Customs Day as well as Australia Day. Here, at Bragsocial, we have brought you a little insight in on both of these days. From their significance to how to celebrate these days. Let us read further about them.
International Customs Day
custom officials as well as agencies, maintain the flow of goods across the world’s borders. Therefore, every year on January 26, Custom agencies celebrate the International Customs Day in order to appreciate their exemplary service. According to the WCO (World Customs Organization), customs connect the countries while the borders divide. Moreover, customs have helped to meet the economic, social, and environmental needs of our planet. Therefore, the customs help in the sustainable future.
On January 26, 1953, The Customs Cooperation Council (CCC) inaugurated. The event was help in Brussels and members of seventeen European countries took part in the celebration. Therefore, the International Customs Day established in 1983 by the Customs Cooperation Council. However, in the year 1994, the CCC’s name changed into WCO, World Customs Organization.
How To Celebrate
In order to celebrate the International Customs Day, one can host workshops and seminars to discuss about how these custom officials and agencies help keep our country safe. Without the customs, the export and import of goods would become so difficult to manage. Learn more about the World Customs Organization and the countries that are part of it.
Australia Day
A country, a continent, a land of mystery, danger, and majestic beauty. The sixth largest country of the world, Australia celebrates Australia Day on January 26, every year. The celebrations marks the diverse landscape and society of the country. Celebrated with high enthusiasm, you do not have to be Australian to celebrate this. Anyone, anywhere can celebrate the day.
In the year 1788, the first fleet of British ship came to New South Wale, Australia, and raised the British flag. The federation of Australia occurred just about hundred years ago, as Australia is a young country. Therefore, the day began to be celebrated from the year 1935, on January 26, every year.
How To Celebrate
Go to a parade or attend a party of you live in Australia. Numerous events happen on this day. From fireworks, community barbeques, sports competition and outdoor concerts. If you do not happen to live in Australia, do not worry. Read about the rich history of Australia. Learn more about their culture, cuisine and what makes them a happy country!
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