This December 24, we will be revisting some very decilious and important traditions. Be it National Eggnog Day or our beloved Christmas Eve. With every passing day, these little moments help us bond closer with our friends and families. We remember and celebrate some of the glorious traditions and cultures. Let’s dive into the roots of this holiday. We’ll know how it was shaped into it’s modern form.
Christmas Eve

Source: pinterest.com
It’s a day before Christmas Day. Many of us may have already decorated our Christmas tree. It is the day to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. Many people celebrate and participate in mass gathering. While you may not go to religious gatherings, it is a festival to cherish love and hope. Despite many changes in world history and politics, this tradition remains alive and widely celebrated.
The Original date for the birth of Jesus was unclear. It was in 221 AD when December 25 and the birth of Jesus connected. Earlier this day was known the birth of the Sun in Roman Empire. Customs to include trees inside the house originate from Pagen winter solstice traditions. During this time, people did merrymaking and exchanged gifts. Martin Luther, a protestant reformer, started the practice of lighting candles. It wasn’t until when Queen Victoria celebrated in 1846. Since then, December 24 has become a tradition to decorate trees and exchange gifts.
How to celebrate?
While many people follow their christmas tradition, here are few ways you can celebrate this beloved holiday. Make a cup of hot chocolate and listen to one of the Christmas stories. You can also bake rum cake. You can also decorate your house and front lawn. If you are alone, you can plan a Slumber party this holiday. There are many good ideas to have a great Christmas party. You can amp up while introducing different themes.
National Eggnog Day

Source: pinterest.com
While you may have tried different beverages, we introduce the perfect egg-milk punch to celebrate Christmas Eve. Eggnog is a frothy sweet drink to make you feel festive and warm. Traditionally it is a cool drink but can be served warm on cold days. If you are Vegan, don’t worry. There are many dairy-free alternatives to enjoy this delicious treat. This December 24, let’s know more about this delicious treat.
Origin of Eggnog are found in the Medieval Age. It was used as a cold and flu remedy. It was in 1778, when New Jersey Journal published a picture of man drinking Eggnog. US President Geroge Washington served Eggnog drinks to his visitors. Interestingly, it has a fun name ‘Tom and Jerry’ . Pierce Egan, a British journalist, started this term. It stands for the warm variant of Eggnog with Brandy and Rum.
How to celebrate?
You can have ‘Tom and Jerry’ or traditional Eggnog drink. Now, many companies provide pre-packaged Eggnog. So if you are too lazy to make one, you can buy it near you. However, if you are looking for vegan options, check out this recipe. In case you want to experiment, you can opt for different variations. Some popular one are Advocaat( Netherlands), Eggnog Latte, Spiked Eggnog, etc. If you are not a fan of drink and want something to munch on, try Eggnog Spritz Cookies or Eggnog Bread Pudding. Take a picture and post it on Social media under #NationalEggnogDay .
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