Each new day should be received with gratitude. Gratitude for the amazing new beginning it has provided and helped us see the bright light in the morning. This gratitude should be celebrated with all ways you can. So, we through this Today column, bring to you the amazing reasons you can use to enjoy your day.
Superman Day
Are you a fan of superman? Do you still drool over the awesomeness of the ‘Man of Steel’ in blue? Today is a day made for you to get back to our love for the man again. The superman day was not coined to celebrate the man himself, who made a place in our hearts, who defied our sane minds and made it believe that there is a superman who would come flying to save you. The day marks the necessity to identify the superman and superwoman in our own souls. That sleeping soul which has all the potential to be a superhero. This day reminds you to wake them up. Superman has found his way into everything and all things, from comics to the big screen, but now find the hero in yourself.
Celebrate the day in your own way. Let your ‘Superbness’ have no limits today. If you feel your power lies in dancing, dance day and night, if it is there in making art, do that right away. Tell others that all of us are super and we don’t need to hold back for any reason at all. Share your energy, your positivity, and your superbness today!
Red Rose Day
Roses are powerful. Why so? Because, they can convey what you do not have the courage to. Roses and specially red roses have been significant parts of florists, gardeners and romantics. They have been simply beautiful and have the potential to make our relationships beautiful. So, why not celebrate the roses? They have been part of all our celebrations and we do owe this to them. Get your bags on and set on to a rose garden. Take to people and know about the history of roses.
Catch up with your friends and discuss the stories that were saved at the last moment due to these soft blossoms. Flood your social media with roses and tell others what today is. Also, do not forget to send roses to your sweethearts.