Family is the first essential cell of human society, says Pope John XXII. It is your constant pillar of love and support. Moreover, it is also the first privilege you get after entering this world. But does everyone have this privilege? According to a study conducted by UNICEF, there are approximately 153 million orphans in the world. There are 153 million people who do not have a parental figure in their lives. While we cannot bring back their birth parents, we can make an effort to provide them with a family.
What is adoption?
Adoption is a process of legally assuming the responsibility of a child from their birth parents and raising them as your own. It changes the child’s status permanently, legally, and religiously. It is gaining popularity among single parents, homosexual couples, and those having fertility issues. However, considering the number of orphans in the world, this is not enough.
Why do people hesitate to adopt?
While adoption is a necessary approach in today’s scenario, it is not easy to go through with it. There are several reasons why adoption is not as popular as it should be.
• Unavailability of children
There are not enough children in the world for adoption. A large part of the total number of orphans represents abandoned children, the ones who cannot be adopted easily. The children are found on the streets, with or without parents. They beg or join a group of beggars to survive. Parents do not prefer these children because they cannot be adopted without going through long legal procedures.
• Expensive
During adoption, your financial status plays a very important role. Parents or institutional homes cannot give children to people who are unable to provide the child with a decent life and future. Additionally, just a decent financial status is not enough. The process is expensive and this is one of the major reasons why adoption is unpopular.
• Social stigma
Sometimes, even if parents are qualified and convinced to adopt a child, they don’t because of the social stigma that comes along. Their close friends and family tend to look down on them for adopting a child, instead of giving birth to their own. Women are essentially looked down on if they cannot provide a child.
• Special children
Some children at institutional homes have special physical and emotional needs. They are disabled or going through emotional trauma. Most parents do not prefer such children because they do not want to put in extra effort in raising a child.
• Age and gender of babies
Sometimes, couples want to adopt a newborn child. They want to be a part of the baby’s every experience. However, this is not always possible. Most of the babies available for adoption are 3 years old or more. Birth parents often refrain from giving up the child for adoption just after giving birth to them. Apart from age, gender is also a big issue. Most people prefer to adopt a boy due to their obnoxious views. These criteria make it difficult to conduct a smooth adoption process.
Why adoption is necessary?
While there are numerous reasons why adoption is not popular, its benefits overshadow them all. As the saying goes, “Once you hold a child in your arms, you forget everything.”
• Giving life to a baby
There is nothing better than giving someone a better life than they are already living. It creates space for the child to grow and offers them human contact and parental figures. It allows the child to thrive forward and fulfill his dreams.
• Parents with medical issues
Numerous couples are undergoing several medical issues and are unable to give birth on their own. Instead of being deprived of children, they can adopt a child and raise them as their own. It gives them a chance to fulfill their dreams and the joy of starting a family.
• Homosexual couples
Homosexual couples adopt adoption. They are unable to give birth themselves, but instead of depriving themselves of the joy of parenthood, they choose to take a better path and become parents.
• Health
Pregnancy causes several alterations in a woman’s body. These can be temporary or permanent, curable or incurable. These include scars, weight redistribution, pelvic floor disorder, loose skin, and muscle weakness. In consideration of these effects, adoption is a safer and more convenient option.
Why people give up children for adoption?
Women are known to develop an unbreakable bond with their children as soon as they enter the world. It is said that nothing can be stronger than that. However, things don’t always go as planned. There are several reasons why there are countless orphans in the world.
• Unplanned pregnancy
Unplanned pregnancy challenges several women and couples. It can halt their career, dreams, planned future, education, jobs, and much more. These are the circumstances when they consider giving up their child for adoption.
• Financially unstable
When parents are unable to provide their children with a decent future, they decide to give them up for adoption. They believe it’s more important for their child to have a better future than being close to them.
• Dead parents
Life is full of unexpected turns. Numerous reports have shown that many orphans have lost both their parents. They have no one to look after and are incapable of surviving on their own. In case of the absence of close friends or family or when they refuse to take responsibility, foster care homes are the only way out.
Photo by Kindel Media from Pexels
Should you tell children about their adoption?
Being in a foster care home, children undergo emotional turmoil. Even after being adopted, they find it difficult to open up and lead a normal life. It is partly because they aren’t emotionally mature enough to understand the complications. However, after a certain age, when they are mature and capable of surviving, it is safe and better to tell them about their adoption and their birth parents.
“The world may not change if you adopt a child, but the child’s world will change if you do.” Considering the number of orphans in the world, it is necessary to take a positive approach towards adoption and foster care homes. Like two sides of a coin, adoption also comes with its share of advantages and disadvantages. Adoption exercises a psychological impact on both the parents and the child. It might be difficult to create a bond but it is important to realize blood relations do not create bonds. Adopt adoption.
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