Everyday we create something unusual that goes down n the pages of history, marking the day. However, it has helped shape the world as we see it today. Every day someone, somewhere accomplishes something that marks his/her name in the the pages of history with golden words. Therefore, Brag Social brings you some events from January 6 that we achieved and even after hundreds of year, we remember them and cherish them.
1099: Henry V crowned German king
Approximately, Henry V was born on August 11, 1086 to Henry IV and his first wife, Bertha. Therefore, upon becoming a emperor, Henry IV, Henry’s elder brother Conrad, became the King of Germany. But, after his unsuccessful rebel against his own father, he was dethroned. And after that, Henry V become the King of Germany on January 6, 1099. He reigned from 1099 to 1125 as the king of Germany. He also ruled as the Holy Roman Emperor from 1111 to 1125. However, he served as the as the fourth and last ruler of the Salian dynasty.
1449: Byzantine Emperor Constantine XI, crowned at Mistra
Emperor Constantine XI was born on February 8, 1405, in Constantinople, Greece. After the death of his father, Manuel II Palaeologus, he became the crowned emperor of Mistra, on January 6, 1449. He reigned from 1449 to 1453, which led to his death in battle at the Fall of Constantinople in 1453. He was the last Byzantine emperor. Therefore, his death marked the end of Byzantine Empire.
1494: The first Mass in the New World celebrated at La Isabela
The first Spanish town in the Americas, was La Isabela, in Dominican Republic. Christopher Columbus founded La Isabela in December 1493, during his second voyage. The local natives that lived in the mountains, near the La Isabela were called Taino. People came and established La Isabela in search of precious metals. In the new world, people celebrated the first Mass on January 6, 1494. However, the first ever known epidemic hit the La Isabela in 1495. And, now the area forms a Historic National Park.
1942: Pan American Airlines becomes the first to flight around the world
On the morning of January 6, 1942, The Pacific Clipper landed at Pan American’s LaGuardia Field seaplane base. It became the first commercial plane flight to circumnavigate the world. The Pacific Clipper or Boeing 314 Clipper was produced by Boeing from 1938 to 1941, and was an American long-range flying boat. Total of twelve of these Boeing Clippers were built out of which nine served for the Pan Am.
2014: Janet Yellen becomes the first woman to chair the Federal Reserve Bank
Janet Yellen became the first women to chair the Federal Reserve Bank, on January 6, 2014. In the 100-year history of the U.S. central bank, or any major central bank, she became the first woman to take over the top spot. Therefore, she became the most powerful person in the world of finance. As she took the reins of the world’s largest economy.
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