Each date holds its significance in history. Every time, it repeats with some milestones related to science, literature, architecture. So, in this article, we bring some information about the milestones and events of March 6.
1808 – first Orchestra of U.S. founded at Harvard
The Harvard Radcliffe Orchestra (HRO) is a collegiate orchestra that comprises Harvard students and is in Cambridge, Massachusetts. The Pierian Sodality establishes this orchestra on March 6, 1808. This orchestra is the first and the oldest symphony orchestra of the United States. The good intention for the establishment of the orchestra was to perform music for other’s joy. This orchestra consists of more than 100 members. Also, This orchestra is one of the largest orchestras of Harvard’s orchestras. Every year, this orchestra plays 4 four-concert in the Sanders Theatre of Harvard campus. In 1978, HRO secured the third rank in the International Festival of Student Orchestras.
1869- Dmitri Mendeleev presents the first periodic table of elements in the Russian Chemical Society
Most scientists previously discovered the periodicity of elements, but Mendeleev was the first to present the periodic table elements. The date on which he presents the first periodic table was March 6, 1869. Mendeleev’s table appeared in one of his textbooks in 1869( The Principles of Chemistry). He announces about his table in the Russian Chemical Society through making a presentation. The title of the presentation was “The relation between the Properties of the Atomic weights of the elements”. Mendeleev also publishes his periodic of discovered elements in a Russian journal. Moreover, he also predicted some missing elements of the table.
1886- First alternating current power plant starts in U.S.( Great Barrington)
The first demonstration of an Alternating Current power plant on March 6, 1886, in Great Barrington. William Stanley demonstrates the whole system and this is a big milestone in the history of Alternating Current power till that point. This turnover inspires Westinghouse, who finances this system, for the development with more resources. This was the first system, which uses the transformers to complete the working of the system. One of the great contributions of Stanley was to make an E-shaped core of the transmitter. His achievement also consists of creating the induction coils in parallel instead of a series combination.
1906- Nora Blatch becomes the first woman to elected in American Society of Civil Engineers
Nora Blatch was the first American woman who became a civil Engineer on March 6, 1905. Nora was the granddaughter of women rights activist, Elizabeth Cady Stanton. She was also an important figure of the woman suffrage movement of the United States. she also succeeds her mother as the president of the Women’s Political Union in the year 1915. Nora was married to the best-known inventor, Lee De Forest. Lee is known for inventing the key component of many technologies, the Audion Vacuum. He is also known as the “father of radio” and also the “grandfather of Television”.
1957- Ghana declares independence from the UK
The Gold Coast which is also, Ghana became an independent country from the oppression of Britain on March 6, 1957. Also, Ghana became a member of the Commonwealth of Nations. Ghana was the first country to gain independence from European Colonialism. Therefore, The flag of Ghana holds a unique significance in itself, which was made by Theodosia Salome Okoh. The red color in the flag denotes those who died for the independence of the country. The gold with the green color represents the mineral wealth of the country with the greenery of the country. The black star designed in the flag denotes the population of Africa.
1980- French Academy elects its first Woman novelist, Margarita Youconar
Marguerite Youconar, born on 8 June 1903 in Brussels, Belgium, was a French novelist and writer. Later he became a U.S. citizen in 1947. She was the winner of the Prix Femina and the Erasmus Prize. Thus, Marguerite was the first woman to be elected in The French Society on March 6, 1980, which was founded in 1635. She took Youconar as her pen name in the year 1947. She published her first novel, Alexis in 1929. However, Marguerite also translates The Waves of Virginia Woolf in 1937. Subsequently, She became popular after his novel, Memoirs of Hadrian, which was based on the life of the Roman Emperor Hadrian. This novel became a modern classic.
2018- Amazon founder and chief executive Jeff Bezos named as the richest person Forbes for the first time
On 6 March 2018, Amazon’s founder and Chief executive becomes the world’s richest person with a total worth of $112 billion. His net worth surpassed the net worth of $90 billion of Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates. Thus, This was the first time when Jeff Bezos lies in the richest person in Forbes magazine.
Read more articles, https://bragsocial.com/history-of-march-5/
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