Covid 19, lockdown and pandemic- these have been the real horror to all of us since 2020. The effect of the corona has been terrible upon humanity. We lost uncountable lives and the ability to become productive. Besides, we can witness a devastating effect of covid upon the economy along with creating social disruption. Millions of people are unable to feed their families as there is no source of income. Tens of many people are in peril of falling into extreme poverty. However, the pandemic is not just affecting us financially or economically. It is also affecting our mental health, resulting in many issues such as depression, anxiety, stress.
Impact on mental health
The pandemic made us face challenges that become stressful and overwhelming to us. The negative effect of the pandemic has created many new barriers for people who were already suffering from mental health issues. Meanwhile, people are stuck in their houses for long and long. They are unable to meet their friends or even family. Similarly, young adults are facing several pandemic-related consequences. The closures of their university and loss of jobs and income are contributing to poor mental health. But because of the lockdown going on, verbal communication is hardly possible. As a result, people are dealing with their stress alone which has caused depression and anxiety.
Self-isolation and quarantine harm one’s mental health. Similarly, separation from loved ones, loss of freedom, boredom may cause poor mental health as well. As a result of the current situation, both children and adults are experiencing issues regarding their mental state.
How covid -19 is affecting on a bigger scale?
Apart from the pandemic affecting the physical and mental health of individuals, it is also hampering the country’s infrastructure and healthcare. With 123,426 new cases reporting on average each day, Covid 19 infections are increasing with high levels in the United States. A survey report says that the households of the four largest U.S cities – New York City, Los Angeles, Houston, and Chicago were experiencing acute health and financial problems during the pandemic. Similarly, one in five households in the US were unable to get medical care. In Florida, covid 19 patients currently occupy almost 44% of ICU beds. Apart from that, covid deaths are also on the rise. It is averaging 454 daily cases, with on the brink of one-fifth of these deadly cases from Florida.
People’s carelessness may act as a forest fire:
Meanwhile, there are still parts of the population who are not taking the pandemic as seriously as they should. According to Dr. McWilliam, The general public needs to recognize and understand that the nationwide rates are dramatically rising and to not take it seriously is going to add fuel to that fire.
The daily cases of corona have increased tenfold since June. Additionally, the death report has doubled. Even after being aware of the horror of covid 19, the main reason for rising cases is ignorance. Following all the covid related instructions seems to be a big deal to people nowadays. Not to mention, many places saw a lesser number of cases early on. But now all those places are having a lot of increased cases. Individually, people are being irresponsible. Either they are not wearing masks at all or wearing them the wrong way. Not maintaining social distance and not washing their hands have become quite a norm too with the pandemic still existing and still on the rise in many parts.
The must-follow steps to defeat the covid
- Do not forget your mask at home: Covid is 10 percent more lethal than the seasonal flu. Similarly, we all are now aware of the terror covid can bring to us. Wearing your mask properly is still a big deal to many. Well, you would prefer to wear that mask instead of lying in a hospital bed. Additionally, wearing a mask will prevent the spread of infection and it will save you from getting affected as well.
- Wash your hands frequently: Meanwhile, washing your hands is one of the most important steps you can take to avoid covid. We often touch our eyes, nose, and mouth, and hence the germs enter our body through these objects, Therefore, you must wash your hands frequently.
- Maintain social distance: Avoid mass gathering to prevent the spreading of coronavirus. Meanwhile, Social distancing makes you avoid close contact with other individuals. This way, you can avoid getting sick. According to WHO you must maintain at least one-meter distance from a covid affected person to prevent the infection.
- Get vaccinated: Meanwhile there are many myths regarding the covid vaccine. Nevertheless, the doctors are clearing all the doubts and telling people to get vaccinations. The covid-19 vaccine will protect your body against the covid-19 viruses. Additionally, the vaccine develops a stronger immune system so that you can fight the virus. Similarly, it also lowers the chance of getting affected by the virus. So you must take your vaccine on time to stay safe from this deadly virus
With all the changes that covid is making day by day, we know that it is not predictable anymore. Meanwhile, in many cases, the affected person may not even show any symptoms. However, there are full risks that they can easily spread the virus to others.
What can be done?
A major proportion of the population has lost someone it loved or has witnessed them suffering from COVID-19. Now that we have the vaccine available, we can beat the virus with some precautions. Similarly, we should not be careless again and give the virus another chance to live and destroy our beautiful world. However, some people still do not understand the magnitude of the risk involved with them being non-serious about it. Even though they have seen waves of destruction. Consequently, it is high time that people become responsible and push themselves for one more time to finish this pandemic. However, it is not easy to get used to the new normal. Meanwhile, if we do not start taking the pandemic seriously, we are going to put our health as well as society at risk. It is essential to consult a therapist to ensure proper treatment for mental health problems.