The series “Fleabag” has a dialogue that says women are born with pain inbuilt. More valid words have never been spoken, given how women worldwide go through menstruation, pregnancy, and menopause in the course of their lifetime. Menstruation is an integral part of being a woman. However, not everybody acknowledges the pain and suffering it brings along, except those who have to go through it. This menstruation cycle of the entire month is divided into two windows of 12-14 days each. This includes ovulation, the active fertile window, and the final menstruation window for 3-5 days. You feel your body suffering, and to help you feel at ease, here are a few things you can do during menstruation.
Eat more
While before and during your menstruation, you may find yourself craving more food. This is because your hormonal levels go up and down and cause your body to demand things that would otherwise not be needed. To fight the same urge, eat more often. This is to say that do not overeat or eat more than required but increase the frequency of food intake. The more the food intervals and the more your stomach is full, the less your body would crave more. You can fill your regular food breaks with chocolates, juice, and desserts because why not! They make you feel good and regulate your happy hormones.
Maintain your diet during menstruation
In addition to all the sweet and spicy that you eat, ensure to take in a healthy and balanced diet. This means that your diet should have abundant iron and vitamin D intake. You can choose to add supplements to match with the energy loss. However, supplements are not essential, and the more natural your body is, the better it will be. Lessen your salt intake. The reason behind this is before menstruation begins, there is a rich flow of hormones throughout your body that cause your hands and legs to swallow. Sore breasts are another very common giveaway that you are nearing your periods. Keep the salt content in your food low to fight against swelling and soreness.
Drink lots of water
For menstruating people, constipation is the toughest problem. This is because the body uses excess water to store, and less water reaches the intestine for reabsorption, which makes the stool hard to pass. The only way to avoid this is to drink loads of water. Water is the ultimate solution to most things. It treats dehydration, and in a few cases, it also helps with cravings! You can take the leap and say- Water is the best.
Pimples are normal; own them!
It is not a surprise when you witness your face full of pimples, acne, and blisters all over. These are painful, and for some people, they often lead them to be low on confidence. The best you can do to fight these pimples is to eat many green vegetables, keep your phone clean, drink water, use tea tree oil and get enough sleep. More importantly, stop interfering with your pimples by constantly touching them. They come and go, and the only thing you need to do is understand that premenstrual syndrome and menstruation are natural. Everything that comes with it, including pimples, is also realistic. It would be best if you did not let temporary pimples affect your confidence. Your confidence and authenticity are too precious to be taken over by premenstrual syndrome.
Your Menstrual Health
Being a woman is not easy. The same people who applaud you for giving birth would shame you when you speak up about issues regarding your menstrual health. Pain, mood swings, binge eating, and sudden changes in the internal body are natural before periods. If you do not keep a regular diet and adhere to a strict sleeping schedule, chances are you will give in to the ill effects of menstruation. To tackle the color of your discharge is equally crucial since it gives you an idea of what you may want to add further to ease your body before menstruation. Your vaginal health is essential, and anyone who says otherwise does not need to be a part of your positive circle. Menstruation is tough, but with the right things done during and before it, you might be able to make it a tad bit easier for you.
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