The COVID-19 crisis is one of the biggest disruptions of our times. From losing their jobs to having a greater care burden, Covid-19 affected women politically, economically, and psychologically. However, most of the women prominently work in the Frontline as caregivers, health care workers,s and also as political leaders. The objective of the current women’s day is to celebrate the effort of Women in leadership to respond to the COVID-19 Crisis. How did the world respond to the COVID – 19 crisis, with the advancement of gender equality and women’s rights.
Firstly, International women’s day formally celebrated in 1975. Women have a key role in leadership across all sectors. Thus, this year on Women’s day, we are celebrating women in leadership in different sectors. An analysis has been done by the professional platform, LinkedIn shows that female-based jobs are more prone to vulnerabilities than male based.
Why Women are Great Leaders?
Gender should not be the factor to decide whether someone would be a great leader or not? The person’s leadership depends upon his/her decision-making power and personality traits. However, in most cases, women are not allowed to involve in leadership. So, here are some reasons that make women great leaders:-
- They have their ego under control
Ego is a significant trait in leadership ability, as ego results in a good way of decision making. Studies say that women perceive ego differently, which makes them good at decision making. A great example of a woman with her ego in-check is Thuli Madonsela. Her soft approach towards everyone and compassionate behavior is optimistic but not egoistic.
- Nurturing behavior
Being nurture is an important and fundamental trait that is helpful in leadership. Considering an example of Basetsana Khumalo, who is a beauty queen and is a businesswoman at present. She has inspired so many people and also inspiring them.
- High Emotional Intelligence
This is the Leadership trait that gains much more momentum. When you have high Emotional Intelligence, then you can sense how others might be feeling and react according to that. Also, works to build a better environment. The first governor of Reserve Bank, Gill Marcus has shown leadership traits with high Emotional Intelligence.
- They value work-life balance
We see women working in corporate workplaces with a baby on the other lap. Women in leadership roles are seen to be more aware of disadvantages that can challenge female workers who are also parents. Women are more empathetic towards issues that men often do not seem to realize in an office.
Women’s Leadership in Businesses and Start-up
Out of 500 companies started in 2020, only 5% of the companies are on the list which is run by women in U.S. Women are go through a lot before being an entrepreneur and face more up and downs in starting the business. Forms of workplace harassment stop women from claiming their leadership in the workplace. When we are talking about Women’s Leadership in Business, we can not miss the CEO of YouTube. Susan Wojcicki, who was the sixteenth employee of Google and the first marketing manager.
Women Leadership in Sports
Women leaders also inspired girls to achieve their dream. They defy all the gender stereotypes and provide a safe environment for women in sports. Without Women’s Leadership, the Olympic games of Tokyo become the first gender-equal Olympic Games, having 49% of female participation. In past years, we have seen a big shift in women’s Leadership in sports. In the brutal sport which is dominated by men, ‘Rowdy’ Ronda Rousey is among the stars of MMA. She is also the first female fighter to sign with the UFC.
Women in Agriculture
About more than one-third of women are involved in agriculture. It is quite important to provide support to women in Agriculture. Holly King is an Almond Advocate of California, for more than 20 years. Also, Karolyn Zurn is the President of American Agri-women. Women provide food security for the whole community, but when it comes to own the land, women lag behind men. Thus, there should be more support systems for women that empower women in Agriculture.
Women in Leadership in Media and Entertainment
Media plays a significant role in raising voices to keep attention to the issues. However, only 25% of women hold their position in media industries. It’s a fact that newspapers, books, and podcasts have men’s experience and also hosted by men. Beyonce is the most influential celebrity of her generation. She has won the most number Grammy Awards as compare to any other female artists.
We need more Women’s Leadership in Media and Entertainment to end up the gender stereotypes.
Women in Politics and Decision making
Presently, Most women are now being elected to the legislative assembly across the world. Statistics say that 25.2% of women hold their position in parliamentary lower- house. Women hold the position of Head of State in only 22 countries. The low representation of women in political constituencies leads to the policies not reflecting their issues and ideas. However, if this remains the case, then gender equality will not reach its peak in the coming 130 years. Women are in leadership in all forms of social engagement and movements for social justice. Women working for human rights and justice often face physical attacks and harassment threats.
Although getting several harassment threats, young feminists are still working on innovative strategies for women’s rights. Many feminist organizations are using social media as a medium to raise women’s voices against injustice. Apart from business, female leaders are working on innovative strategies to find solutions for the world’s biggest problems.
Women’s Leadership in Technology
There is not any case of hereditary in Technology like Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Programming, etc. More than 70% of men is dominating the technology sector in the present days. According to statistics, only 12% of women in cloud computing. In Technology like programming and Artificial Intelligence, there is less than 20% participation of women. Thus, technology has to prove that its diversity is not only for men, tech is a workplace for women too. If technology is considered to change the whole of humanity, then the decisions related to tech must be taken from an equal perspective.
As the crisis has a harder impact on women, thus, is an urgency to provide financial security to females. Providing financial security is an important step to shift the imbalance between men and women. Although, some of the changes also required to provide women with all the options to reach the peak.
Read more articles from Bragsocial, https://bragsocial.com/international-womens-day/
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