What is email marketing?
Whenever someone starts any business, they need to communicate with their targeted audience. For instance, your company is launching a phone, giving sales or you are opening an institute; you will have a target audience in your mind. So that people get to know about it and engage with your company or buy the products. And through marketing, the company or the individuals can communicate about their new offer or anything they want to. However, there are lots of ways for marketing and email marketing is one of them.
Email marketing is one of the foremost powerful marketing channels. One can use it to promote their business or sell their products. Through email marketing, you can inform people/customers on your email list about the recent updates of your company. It will send commercial emails to you/your company’s “email subscribers” aka people who have signed up to your email list. Meanwhile, email marketing also helps in building a community for your company or brand. Similarly, it also plays a vital role in the marketing strategy with brand awareness, building relationships, and keeping the customers engaged.
Benefits of email marketing in small business
Marketing is one of the most important ways for every business to grow. However, no matter big or small every business holds some marketing strategies. And that helps them reach more people and engage with their customers. Meanwhile, small businesses need to make sure that no matter how much they spend on marketing, they are seeing several benefits. Because every penny counts. Small businesses, however, do not have many luxuries to invest in all types of marketing strategies. Nonetheless, in this manner, email marketing has been proven to be an effective way for small businesses. Let us know more –
Helps build strong relationships with customers
Your customers must know what your company is up to. For instance, your customers should know if there is a new sale, new product launch, or even your next big new event. It Will help them stay updated as well as engaged with the company. Now it is not possible to call or meet every customer and give them all the new updates. Therefore, sending emails to the customers is the best and easiest way to update them.
Moreover, many people like to check their mail even before getting up from their beds. It helps them know what is going around. Hence, when someone has been permitted to receive emails from your company they will love to read your updates as well.
Brings more traffic to your website
No matter how small your business is, email marketing can bring more traffic to your website. When you send emails to your customers, you can add relevant links to your content. It also helps the customers to know what is going on on the website. With a simple click, they can visit the website. Hence, it will also grow more and more traffic for your website.
As we have already mentioned that every penny counts. Especially when you run a small business you need to make sure your investment is worth it all. With email marketing, you do not need to empty your pocket for marketing. Even one can design and send emails to the customer free of cost. Yes without even spending one penny, you can send mails to the customers telling about all the latest updates about your company.
More trustable
Have you ever thought about why people purchase from large companies without thinking much? The reason is not just the quality or reasonable price but trust. These big companies have already made a relationship of trust with their customers. However, in the case of small businesses, the audience or the customers might face difficulty in building trust. However, research says that 66% of people purchased in response to email marketing. Hence, it is proven that email marketing can add credibility to your business even though it is small.
Is email marketing still relevant in 2021?
The method of email marketing is not new and it has been here in the market for a long time. Hence, many people might wonder whether email marketing is still effective in 2021. The simple word is YES. However, day by day the market of email marketing is booming. The world is getting digitized with every step and hence, the number of email users is also increasing. Around 4 billion people around the world use email and that is huge!! Now almost everyone has their smartphone and the majority of Americans check their emails daily and many times a day. In addition to that, email marketing is highly affordable. Hence more people, even small businesses are getting profit out of it by spending less money. Therefore, there is no way that the relevancy of email marketing is going anywhere any day soon!
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