The past few months have seen rising numbers of schools and universities across the globe declare that they are moving to online teaching. Hundreds of thousands of professors are busy working to start their face-to-face lessons online. Right now, however, we need a simpler procedure. Here are 5 tips to make online teaching better.
Following the allotted time-table is very important for planning online classes efficiently. Once the days and timings are set, lay out your syllabus and content and other materials to assist in teaching. A perfect plan with ready material removes hindrances during the classes.
Online classes demand technology-friendly teachers and students. When you are planning online classes, you should keep a few things and minds and should act carefully on them like choosing a good platform for your classes. A good Internet connection is the backbone of your plan.
A good working environment set up at a proper workplace boosts up efficiency and brings positive vibes. A good working environment is the one with zero distractions. Another thing people should keep in mind while setting up a workplace is it should be an area where food and people are prohibited.
Online classes lack the free interaction which students do during physical classes. That is a part of personality development. You should start with an introduction and then ask the students to do the same. This can make the classes interactive and the class environment full of energy.
Before summing up the lesson, never forget to ask whether the students have some problems or doubts. Also, ask them for feedback about the class. This will help you in knowing whether everything is going well or not related to connection, explanation, clarity, etc.
These were a few tips for teachers who are teaching students online in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. These tips can be very useful and increase efficiency to a great extent.