Another year has kicked in. The wave of celebrations and new beginnings is all set to embark upon. With a new zeal and positivism, it is time to celebrate everyday you live. Evidently, life is worth celebrating. Bragsocial team is here yet again to rekindle the spark of celebrations. Who says you need an occasion to do so when you can celebrate the very life and live everyday to its fullest. Let us see what January 05 further holds for us.
The day of January 05 gives you a moment to recognise and foster the beautiful creation, birds. Along with this, the day reminds you to be grateful to the screenwriters for the wonderful movies they have presented to you. January 05 witnesses the celebrations of National Bird Day and National Screenwriters Day.
National Bird Day

source: pexels
“What if i were a bird?” Almost everyone of us succumbed to this thought once back during the childhood days. To wonder what it was like to have wings and take that flight in the sky was a dream we all had. Birds have always fascinated the human world. Moreover, they have managed to secure that special place in our hearts. So as to celebrate these gorgeous creation we celebrate National Bird Day on January 05 every year. However, it is not just the beauty that we celebrate about birds. In fact, birds are considered the barometers for the environmental well being. Also, few of the many species of the bird are under threats and this is alarming.
Birds have always been a subject of fascination, and adoration in our hearts. The melody in the voice of a cuckoo vibrates a string of awe and mesmerises everyone. The flock of pigeons and sparrows brings in with them an aura of togetherness and patterns of beauty. But is it disheartening to know that certain species of the birds are under great threats owing to endangerment and loss of habit. It is due to the evil human practises.
As a result, the Avian Welfare Coalition created National Birds Day so that the plight of these crucial animals can be heard. It was primarily to focus on the ways to attain a sustainable healthy relationship with these creatures. Birds are the keystone species for the vitality and health of an ecosystem we are a part of. The day aims to draw attention to one of the significant specie of the environment and that they deserve a better environment.
How to Celebrate?
To celebrate the existence of these gorgeous specie, the least you can do is know about them. Read books and make yourself aware about the various species of birds and how they are under threat. Moreover, you can provide them a shelter in the backyard. Make a birdhouse. They could rest on it and it is counted in your good deeds. You can even feed birds and keep a bowl of water for them at your window. You could feed them with some bread crumbs, nuts or seeds. This is your bit that you can do to make them feel wanted, and protected.
National Screenwriters Day

source: pexels
Most people think that the director created the vision for the movies they watch. They are often surprised when they discover that almost every movie or TV show you see was originally created, written, and rewritten long before the director ever heard of the project by a screenwriter. So, today on January 05, we celebrate the contributions of screenwriters all over the world. This is to thank their voluminous addition in giving us the ever fresh and memorable stories. We appreciate a story that moves us from within and leaves an impact. We also appreciate the actors for playing their part and the directors who brought that story to life. However, what we often miss out is to appreciate and foster that very story which has birthed from the hands of a screenwriter.
The screenwriters are renown for their expertise to crack that best suited story and create an opportunity for the actors to act. They write engaging dialogues that connect us to the story from the core. The screenwriters can be regarded as the architects who shape the world of cinema. Moreover, they provide a structure to any movie. To mark this huge contribution, the leading education source for screenwriters established January 05 as National Screenwriters Day. The day aims to give a pat on the back of the writers who work tirelessly to deliver the best script. Also, the day recognises and admires the talent emerging behind the scripts in the cinema.
How to Celebrate?
Whenever you watch a movie that takes you on a fiction trip of a couple of hours, then remember to appreciate the script and the work of the screenwriter. It is he who worked hard in bringing life and justice to that movie. You can even take time to know the screenwriters of your all time favourite classics. Do not just brush aside the story line when you get lost in the characters. Moreover, you can actually make a gesture on your part by using your social media handles. Join in the hashtag and post on National Screenwriters Day. You can maybe dm the screenwriter of your favourite movie and express gratitude towards their enormous contribution.
Source : nationaldaycalender.com
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