Today at brag social, we will have the event of a century: the generation throwdown. Where on one corner, there is the generation who gave us tight jeans, shirts, and a beard as a style. Yes!! The millennials. On the other corner, we have a group of Gen Zers. The very first generation of digital kids, who were born with cellphones and Instagram accounts in their hands. In today’s era, these two generations are turning down the biggest force the market has ever seen. Gen Z may look too young, but they have different interests in how they shop and interact as compared to millennials. So, what exactly are the differences between these two generations? Do these changes even matter? Let’s see below some of the differences.
Pragmatic Vs optimistic
A survey said that Gen Z expects to work much harder than the previous generation, they are more realistic. We see that millennials were an optimistic generation which is often seen pandering by their parents and adults. However, Gen Z is more pragmatic as they raised during the recession and millennials grew up in the economic boom. The generation has seen the economic pressure, their parents struggling for employment and financial condition. Thus, this is the reason that marketing toward Gen Z broadly focuses on smart investments.
Gen Z want to be Independent Vs Collaborative

photo by jmexclusives from pixabay
When millennials were at the school level, the fashion brands were at the level of rage. At present they are adults, so, they are willing to pay for those brands. The reason for doing so is that they find those brands relatable to their life. However, with Gen Z, they are more sensitive. They want to celebrate their own pace and independence. When an option is given to both the generation, millennials will seek to collaborative arrangements with everyone. Whereas Gen Z is more competitive with their co-workers and has the do-it-yourself mentality at the workplace.
Digital Native Vs Digital pioneers
Millennials were pioneers in the digital era. They have seen the innovation and rise of messaging, social media, smartphones, and the mobile revolution. On the other hand, Gen Z did not see these innovations but they are born into them. Wifi connectivity, instant global information, and a 24/7 news cycle are part of their daily life. Being a digital pioneer, millennials explores social media and try to make their thoughts public. Whereas, Gen Z is selective about sharing their lives and thoughts.
Gen Z like Face-to-face communication Vs digital only
Millennials jumped towards many of the digital tools for communications that make their work quite efficient. Whereas Generation Z is the generation that finally differentiates the balance between online and offline communication. They understand the importance of communication and finally distinguish the online and physical workplace communication.
Role seeker Vs Jobseeker
One of the surveys makes clear that Generation Z is much interested in the circumstances where they have multiple numbers roles within one place. Growing up in the era of economic boom and in the age of demand, millennials have too little patience for their career. Whereas Gen Z does not want to miss any kind of valuable experience and wants to learn every new thing by trying out new roles.
Gen Z is a Global citizen Vs global spectator
Every one of us will agree that kids of today’s era have more common with global peers than they have with one of their own countries. Although millennials consider as the first generation who have similar values with people across the border. Whereas Gen Z, they do interact with their global peers with more fluidity. As the world continues to shrink, they view themselves as global citizens.
Therefore, Gen Z is coming out to take control of their financial life from a very young age. Growing up in a financial recession, they aim to grab financial security for themselves. So, there are some visible generational dissimilarities between millennials and Gen Z. No doubt, every individual of this generation has unique characteristics. Therefore, keeping these differences in your mind can help you in understanding this new generation easily.
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