History is something that illuminates the culture and its origin. It also forecasts the awareness and how and when everything evolved and fell into place. It not only helps us trace the origins of the past but also helps us understand it better which leads to an understanding of the present more desirably. We, at Brag Social, try to keep you updated with the happening of past and present through our today column. Let us now read the historical milestones of August 26.
1789 – Declaration of Human Rights, France

Source : https://alphahistory.com/frenchrevolution/declaration-rights-of-man-and-citizen/
The final version of Declaration of Human Rights was approved by the Constituent Assembly in Versailles, France. The Declaration is a document from the French Revolution adhering to the Human Civil Rights which was drafted by the Abbé Sieyès and the Marquis de Lafayette, in consultation with Thomas Jefferson. It contains 17 articles that were adopted between 20th August and 26th August in the year 1789 which were one of the basic charters of human liberties by France’s National Assembly. The Declaration was later served as the preamble to the Constitution in the year 1791.
1920 – Women get the Right to Vote
Women get the right to vote as the 19th Amendment to the Constitution is officially ratified. It took decades to achieve this win and this journey began with the formation of the National Woman Suffrage Association, which was led by Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton, to demand an amendment to the U.S. Constitution. The Amendment declares that the right to vote shall not be denied by the State based on gender and the Congress shall be entitled to enforce the law by appropriate legislation.
1978 – Sigmund Jähn becomes first German to fly in space
As a part of the Soviet Union’s Interkosmos program, Sigmund Werner Paul Jähn was the first German to fly into space. Jähn was a German cosmonaut and pilot who spent seven days, 20 hours, and 49 minutes in space, most of it aboard the Salyut 6 space station. The Hero of the Soviet Union conducted 25 experiments in the fields of remote sensing, medicine, biology, materials science, and geophysics after analyzing 124 orbits.
1955 First Tennis Match to be Telecast in Color

Source: https://images.app.goo.gl/Z9ZYY6srnjf3KF7v6
It was the 1955 Davis Cup, where the NBC made history by telecasting the first Tennis match in color. The match was between the United States and Australia which was considered one of the biggest innovations that changed broadcasting forever.
1968 – ‘Hey Jude’ released by Beatles
‘Hey Jude’ is a non-album single by the rock band Beatles which was written by Paul McCartney and credited to the Lennon–McCartney partnership. It was the band’s first release on their Apple record label and was the number one hit in many countries. It became the year’s top-selling single in the UK, the US, Australia, and Canada. Breaking the All-time record in the year 1968, ‘Hey Jude’ ran number one on the Billboard top 100 for over nine weeks. Covering the longest run at the top of the US charts, it over eight million copies and is considered one of the greatest songs of all time by the music critics.
1936 – The Anglo-Egyptian Treaty established Egypt as a sovereign state.

Source : https://www.google.com/
The Anglo-Egyptian Treaty was a treaty between the United Kingdom and the Egyptian Kingdom which declared the United Kingdom to withdraw all its troops from Egypt, except those necessary to protect the Suez Canal and its surroundings. The Treaty was signed in London in the Zaafarana Palace on August 26, 1936, and was ratified on December 22 which registered Egypt as a sovereign state after 50 years of British occupation.