Finding the best skincare regime to achieve healthy glowing skin is probably a common goal for everyone. From DIY face mask to overpriced skincare products, we have tried it all. We have access to ample information available on the internet and home remedies passed on for generations. The moment we see an influencer giving skincare advice on the internet; we automatically inculcate that practice in our skincare routine without even investigating it. Thus, many of us consider ourselves as the master of skincare. But in reality, when we try out skincare advice, it does not really work for us. This makes us wonder that is the hype created around skincare advice real?
To help you out we have created a list of 7 common skincare myths that people usually believe. After reading this article you will be surprised to know how common these myths are.
So here is the list of 7 common skincare myths:
SKINCARE MYTH 1: Drinking water keeps will hydrate your dry skin
‘Drink a lot of water to keep your skin hydrated.’ We can guarantee that all have heard this phrase at one point in our life. This urban myth of drinking 3-4 liters of water does not change the way your skin looks. Shocked? Well, drinking eight glasses of water a day is good for your body. But it is not the solution for your dry skin. In other words, drinking a lot of water won’t have any effect on the skin of a person. In fact, excess drinking of water might lead to some health-related problems. The best way to deal with dry skin is by using an external product that has ingredients like ceramides, hyaluronic acid, omega fatty acids, lecithin, and glycerin. You should try building a skincare routine that helps your skin to retain water. However, if the problem is very serious, you must consult a dermatologist.
SKINCARE MYTH 2: If the label of a product reads natural or chemical-free, then it must be good for your skin
We tend to assume that nature-based skincare products are safe because it comes from nature. Most ‘organic’ or ‘natural’ products are not regulated. The Food and Drugs Administration stated that they did not create any regulation for ‘natural’ products. Thus, the ingredients used in these organic products might lead to a significant allergy. We must realize that each skin is unique and different from the other. So, one must get proper consultation from a professional regarding what is best for their skin before blindly buying the product.
SKINCARE MYTH 3: Exfoliate your skin harder and daily
We all want our skincare products to work. When we use an exfoliator, we get an instant feeling of satisfaction because we think it’s working. Thus, we end up using an exfoliator daily. Yes, we agree that exfoliation is an essential part of the skincare routine because it helps in removing dead cells. But over-exfoliating can lead to skin irritation, rashes, flaking skin, redness, or even burns. Over exfoliation strips of the protective oils and barriers making your skin more prone to infection and clogged pores. In the case of exfoliation, less is better. So listen to experts and exfoliate only once or twice a week.
SKINCARE MYTH 4: There is no need to moisturize oily skin
People with oily skin things that it is okay if they do not moisturize their skin. But we want to save this out loud ‘All skin types need a moisturizer.’ Moisturizing is an essential part of a skincare routine because apart from moisturizing, it also hydrates the skin. The oil secreted by the tiny Sebaceous gland protects our skin. However, don’t confuse it with hydration because oily skin can be dehydrated. People with oily skin must consider skincare products that have high water to oil ratio. They can opt for a light non-greasy lotion that has water-attracting humectant ingredients such as glycerine, aloe vera, and floral hydrosol.
SKINCARE MYTH 5: Higher the SPF in sunscreen, the better is the protection
Sun and skincare is a complicated subject. So first, let’s start by understanding three kinds of UV rays, that is, UVA, UVB, and UVC. UVA leads to alteration of pigmentation which results in tanning, skin aging, and wrinkles. While UVB Causes sunburns and skin cancer. While UVC rays are absorbed in the atmosphere only. Most sunscreen provides protection from UVB rays and not UVA. Therefore, people should look for a sunscreen that uses the word ‘Broad Spectrum’ which means that it provides protection from both UVA and UVB. However, one cannot rely on sunscreen for protection they should use sunglasses and cover the body with clothing.
SKINCARE MYTH 6: Tanning beds are a better alternative than natural sunlight.
Who doesn’t loves a tan glow?
Lying on a beach, soaking in the sun is a relaxing idea. But slowly, we started leaning towards tanning beds, booths, and sun lamps thinking that they are a safer alternative. However, we have to break this urban myth for you. Tanning beds expose you to harmful UVA rays that damage your skin and might cause skin cancer.
SKINCARE MYTH 7: You don’t need to see a dermatologist
Many times people take skin problems very lightly. They usually try to find the solution to their problem on the internet or fall for the advertisement of skincare brands. But we would like to advise our readers that if they have a serious problem, then they must consult a professional. Dermatologists prescribe them medications after studying their skin.
With type on the internet, skincare is taking center stage in our day-to-day conversations. Skincare is a very essential part of our life and we should not rely on the internet for advice. One must always consult a professional if they are facing any skin-related problems. However, we hope our article helped uncover some common myths about skincare.