When people get into debt, they immediately jump to bankruptcy. However, there are several ways to avoid bankruptcy. Basically, bankruptcy is the process in which you get the chance to replace or reorganize your debts through discharge. Also, you can follow a repayment plan which often lasts for 5 years. However, the process is stressful and includes several rules and regulations you have to follow. This process is stressful which can leave with little freedom. However, it can also provide you a solid foundation that helps you in rebuilding your wealth. So, for everyone, it is safe to avoid it. Thus, below are some reasons to avoid bankruptcy in the future.
1. Bankruptcy can affect your employment
If you are experiencing financial difficulties, then losing your job and salary is the last option you need. While some industries do not allow you to work with them if you are declared bankrupt. These industries include real estate, financial planners, and police service. Meanwhile, each industry has its own rules regarding bankruptcy which is related to the Bankruptcy act. So, it is quite important to confirm with your industry as it can affect your profession or not. If it will affect your profession, then you should look for options to avoid bankruptcy.
2. You could lose your home
When you become bankrupt, your trustee will become the owner of all your property. Along with that, the trustee will also arrange some options to sell the property. Then distributed to your creditors for the repayment of your debts. Therefore, the better way to not lose your home or any kind of property is to avoid being bankrupt with other debt solutions.
3. It is a long-lasting commitment
the bankruptcy period generally lasts for only three years. However, it will remain in your credit file for a minimum of 5 years. The starting 2 years of bankruptcy will be noticed as a discharged bankrupt. Along with this, your name will be included in the National Personal Insolvency Index for all your life. Once you are free from any kind of bankruptcy, you will be able to apply for finances. However, this is the fact that the lender hesitates to approve the fund for discharged bankrupts.
4. It will restrict your life
During the term of bankruptcy, you need to follow the regulations and there will be some restrictions to you. For example, if you are planning to travel then you have to take permission from the trustee first. The fee for seeking permission is $150 and it has to be paid every time you apply for permission. Therefore, it takes away all the ability to make decisions from you and you will have to depend on the trustee.
5. Bankruptcy will affect your capacity to earn
There are some of the specific thresholds on your assets and income while in bankruptcy. For example, if you earn more than the set limit, then the additional value will be given to the trustee. So, you must check the current thresholds. Therefore, if you want to get your funds back on track, then it is important to avoid bankruptcy.
Thankfully, there are several debt solutions available for people from which you can avoid bankruptcy. Debt consolidation and refinancing are some of the best options to relieve debts. The reason for this is that these options do not affect your credit score at any cost. Another reliable solution to avoid it is the Part 9 debt agreement. So, the part 9 debt agreement is the bankruptcy agreement between you and your creditors. It allows you to negotiate the amounts of debt which will then reduce your repayments. Consequently, it will improve your cash flow and avoid bankruptcy.
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